The Crandall Surf Report 2.0
commentary on almost anything that seems interesting

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Saturday, October 19, 2002

Leonard Lopate of WNYC recently interviewed Daniel Ellsberg about his new memoir. Ellsberg, for those of you who still have a bit of youth, was a Defense Department employee who managed to come across hard evidence that the President of the United States was lying - to the public, media and even to Congress. His publication of the Pentagon Papers was probably the greatest act of whistle blowing in US history and profoundly contributed to Nixon's downfall.

Of course our presidents are honest since then:-) Our President assures us there are no oily motives for going into Iraq. If there were we (along with the UK) would form the Axis of Stupid.
7:08:58 AM    

Clever people seem to have found something worse than spam email or popup ads.
7:08:45 AM    

Flash can be used for a variety of things. If you need a little laugh remember Valhalla is calling.

Sufficiently tackiness sometimes works.
7:08:33 AM    

The Astronomy Society of the Pacific is auctioning off a dream vacation (a good dream for an amateur astronomer, probably a nightmare for anyone else) as part of a fundraiser. The highest bidder gets to join Geoffrey Marcy for an evening of exoplanet hunting using one of the 10 meter Keck telescopes.
7:08:18 AM    

Speaking of space, some researchers are going after the really big problems

how do you do beer in space?
7:08:03 AM    

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Last update: 6/9/03; 1:33:41 PM.
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