The Crandall Surf Report 2.0
commentary on almost anything that seems interesting

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Thursday, October 10, 2002

Nicholas Lemann wrote a nice essay about FCC Chairman Michael Powell in the October 7, 2002 issue of the New Yorker. Powell is something of a confusing character, but Lemann builds the story from the perspective of history and politics rather than personality. The core message is that the RBOCs are linked with the Republicans and will prosper under a Republican administration. If the 2004 election goes the course it may be likely that companies like AT&T and the CLECs fade away into total obscurity. A Democratic administration may be unhealthy for the RBOCs.

Fascinating stuff.
5:44:02 AM    

The current online New Yorker has a lucid foreign policy essay by Fareed Zakaria where the Wilsonian nature of Bush is explored. Machivelli was wrong - being loved is better than being feared and there is great danger that an increasingly imperial America will be feared, despised and targeted.
5:43:37 AM    

Noam Chomsky, as one might expect, has some interesting opinions on the US/Iraq affair. You may or may not agree with him, but it is a fascinating interview nonetheless. The inteview ran on WNYC on Brian Leher's show - it is the fourth segment of yesterday's show.
5:43:16 AM    

Soon cameras are likely to be as common in the US as they are in London. The "sport" of camzapping is already turning up on webpages.

One can imagine better alternatives..
5:42:08 AM    

The hours are ticking away towards the Leonid shower on November 19 and new predictions have been released. They are similar to the last predictions but worth looking at for planning your evening and morning. The fly in the ointment is the moon position and the sunrise peak for folks on the East coast. It is still worth the effort if weather permits.
5:41:53 AM    

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Last update: 6/9/03; 1:33:30 PM.
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