Saturday, November 30, 2002
Improving your position at work is usually desirable and Fernando points out a bit of inspirational advice.
4:25:00 PM
Let's say that you are in a jolly fraternal order and have the need for some elaborate pranks to haze newcomers and have a good time overall. Demoulin Bros specialized in helping out and a copy of their 1930 catalog is online.
The father of my best friend in high school was a Mason and this explains a lot... Are practical jokes still popular among these folks? One wonders what seventy years of technology would produce.
One wonders if anyone services more powerful secret societies like Skull and Bones? Perhaps places like this...
6:37:51 AM
If you want to offer something wonderful and obscure this holiday, why not an apple that the receipent has never tried? There are literally hundreds of varieties of apples with many of them having superior flavors to what you find in supermarkets or most farmstands. A few places specialize in historical pomology, offering trees and fruit.
Applesource sells about a hundred varieties by mailorder and the folks there offer great suggestions.
Apples were originally cultivated in North America for cider. When we lived in Stony Brook a local farm produced a cider that was a blend of Golden Russets, Spigolds and several other varieties I can't remember. It was amazing stuff.
6:37:25 AM
Since most feral species show only a few colors one wonders why pigeons come in so many colors?
Cornell is organizing Project PigeonWatch in an attempt to answer that question and the potentially related question of the effect of color in pigeon mating. The great thing about this project is that professionals are enlisting enthusiastic amateurs. So if you live in an urban environment and like to watch pigeons, perhaps you can make a contribution.
6:36:46 AM