Thursday, April 10, 2003
NASA has a site with a large catalog of images taken by astronauts. Many are low resolution, but some are wonderful. The Earth from Space collection is an interesting starting place.
6:58:18 AM
Salon has an interesting piece on the neo-conservative movement and its influence in the White House.
Others have written about its foundations in the left - specifically the Trotskyist movement in the 30s and 40s (something red blooded Republicans might have a bit of trouble with. This is really something of a fringe organization and it is remarkable that they have captured the most powerful government on the planet. Having an ignorant president was clearly a major win for them.
6:56:56 AM
And how does an elephant (real ones, not Republicans) run?
It turns out this is an area of current investigation.. and there seems to be a connection with Groucho Marx rather than Dumbo.
6:56:43 AM