Monday, April 14, 2003
The wonderful Honda ad mentioned a few days ago took 606 takes to get right.
Ads like this coupled with the descent of TV into the relm of "reality" may solve the TiVo commerical problem. Perhaps we will only want to watch commercials in the future.
12:00:50 PM
A few years ago a fifth taste (umami) was shown to be real as researchers. Now people are getting into the neurology of tastes and have identified the area of the brain that responds to good tastes. There are implications for dieting, evolution and ... beet jelly...
6:22:55 AM
Although not new, the geektel list of wired hotels can be very useful.
Consider this a first pass and get in touch with the hotel. A consolidation is taking place and the nature of net in a hotel may change.
5:30:12 AM
There are times when a short text description conjures up an unusual image.
Last Summer we to a Viking celebration in a small town in the middle of Sweden.
The center of attraction was surely the cowbingo games!
They had a field marked off 10x10 meters, making 100 squares, and thus 100 numbers from which you bet 20 kronor on the number of choice.
The bet was - where will Greta, the cow, make her deposit as she is brought out from the barn at 2pm?
We picked a winning dump!
5:29:17 AM