Students, teachers and amateurs may be interested in data logging products from VS&T . Their LabPro interface allows you to take mostly analog data (0-5V typically) and move it to a Mac or Windows computer via usb. It is fairly low-end ... 4 analog 0-5V channels with 12bit ADC, 2 four bit digital inputs and sample rates to 50KHz.
They sell a wide variety of sensors -- current, force, acceleration, gas pressure, relative humidity, pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, flow-rate (liquids), light, magnetic fields, radiation (beta and gamma), respiration, sound level, turbidity, and rotary motion and many others.
You can analyze the data with a variety of programs (or you can always write your own) ... They offer Logger Pro 3 -- I have played with a beta of the OS X version and it would be just fine for a middle or high school environment.
This stuff isn't cheap, but it isn't terribly expensive either. $1500 would buy quite a nice station for a school. Sadly few of the schools I know could afford that with the current state of budgets (perhaps a bake sale for science)..
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