The Crandall Surf Report 2.0
commentary on almost anything that seems interesting

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Saturday, April 12, 2003

Students, teachers and amateurs may be interested in data logging products from VS&T . Their LabPro interface allows you to take mostly analog data (0-5V typically) and move it to a Mac or Windows computer via usb. It is fairly low-end ... 4 analog 0-5V channels with 12bit ADC, 2 four bit digital inputs and sample rates to 50KHz.

They sell a wide variety of sensors -- current, force, acceleration, gas pressure, relative humidity, pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, flow-rate (liquids), light, magnetic fields, radiation (beta and gamma), respiration, sound level, turbidity, and rotary motion and many others.

You can analyze the data with a variety of programs (or you can always write your own) ... They offer Logger Pro 3 -- I have played with a beta of the OS X version and it would be just fine for a middle or high school environment.

This stuff isn't cheap, but it isn't terribly expensive either. $1500 would buy quite a nice station for a school. Sadly few of the schools I know could afford that with the current state of budgets (perhaps a bake sale for science)..
4:50:46 AM    

Two readers have recommended iStorm as an interesting collaboration tool. In addition to some of the standard collaboration tools it adds Rendezvous support, a nice interface and a low end math editing tool.
4:50:31 AM    

What if people become cellphone literate at the cost of PC literate?
4:50:11 AM    

And finally - foods you probably don't want to know about. Many of the recipes are from the fifties when the country was becoming economically viable and getting over the giddiness of inventing white bread and twinkies a few decades earlier.
4:49:45 AM    

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