Tuesday, April 15, 2003
We've talked about the MegaPrime detector at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope.
They are now making images -- even the early observations are amazing. The one megabyte downloads are of greatly reduced quality, but will still give an idea of what this instrument can do. The field of view is huge - one by one degree (by comparison the moon is about 30 minutes in diameter)! This is far and away the largest digital imager installed on a telescope.
6:12:00 AM
Max Tegmark has an article on multiverses in the May 2003 issue of the Scientific American. The topic is interesting although it is generally relegated to the periphery.and this is a reasonable, but far too brief, non-technical introduction to the subject.
Other universes are probably not directly observable, but it is interesting to consider what might imply their existence. One gets into rather deep questions about the connection of math and physics to our universe and what that might mean in a mujltiverse. A good introduction to new cosmology is a piece put together by Andrei Linde to honor John Wheeler's 90th birthday. It doesn't avoid a bit of math, but should be accessible to anyone with an undergraduate physics background.
6:11:39 AM
Some of you are aware of the quirky and indispensable radio station WFMU. Among other things it has a program devoted to the antique phonograph. Check out the archives.
MAC has interesting taste. My favorite program is the April 2, 2002 celebration of the < 100th anniversary of Enrico Caruso's first recording. This is one genre where the low speed audio codec does not detract from the performance.
6:10:58 AM
You can spell check in Safari
Here's how:
Highlight what you wrote and Control-click on the highlighted text.
Select Spelling from the contextual menu and then Check Spelling from the submenu. OS X's spell checker will check spelling for you. Now Control-click any underlined words and select the correct spelling from the results.
6:10:41 AM