If you have a broadband link it is possible to find out if you are popular (c. 1947). (warning - this is nearly 100MB)
After WWII there was a flood of counseling films that lasted at least two decades. I remember seeing films like this in health class and, at the time, wondered why they were showing them to us.
Another fine period piece is A is for Atom from our friends at General Electric. Rich in strange visual methaphors, it is only semi-accurate. I had never seen this one before, but it is similar to many pro-atomic energy shorts I saw in grade school as a proxy for a science class - a few of them staring that great scientist Ronald Reagan.
And speaking of real weirdness ... this little Oldsmobile piece by the people who did Betty Boop (Max and Dave Fleischer).
There is so much on the Internet Archive - thanks Brewster!
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