Jeff and I are setting up a couple of klogs at work as a sort of grassroots example of alternative intracompany communication. Radio is proving to be excellent for this. However, I'm concerned about the comments feature.
If you enable the comments feature, by default it uses a Userland server to store and track the comments to your blog. This violates confidentiality and security policies we would like to enforce around this effort. You can change the comment server that Radio uses, but I don't think you can do this on a "per category" basis.
You can always edit the template for the category(ies) you are upstreaming to your intranet and change the comment links (I think). This would solve the problem if you are running an internal comment server. However, I'm worried about users wanting to change the template for a category and overwriting the modifications.
If you follow the logic of the last paragraph, maybe the thing to do is have "company approved" templates for intranet categories. These templates could be modified by people with a web bent, and distributed via a portal or other broadcast method. The company approved templates would point to your internal comment server by default.
I haven't looked in to the Manilla server and other Radio products to see if there are already mechanisms built more suitable to intracompany use. This may be a route to follow.
8:41:34 AM