The disruptive Web. If you're creating a Web service that you hope will have a disruptive impact, the lessons are clear. Support HTTP GET-style URLs. Design them carefully, matching de facto standards where they exist. Keep the URLs short, so people can easily understand, modify, and trade them. Establish a blog reputation. Use the blog network to promote the service and enable users of the service to self-organize. It all adds up to a recipe for recombinant growth. [Full story at] ... [Jon's Radio]
Another post about disruptive technology. I finally dug in to find out what it really means -- disrupting the status quo. Ahh. I feel better. Come on, you didn't know what "disruptive technology" really meant either, did you?
It's interesting to see this bit of jargon emerging. Is InfoWorld driving this? Maybe that's just the news I'm trolling. I'm sure Gartner or someone like that coined it.
6:55:14 PM