Dearth of Tools Hampers Linux. An IDE could be the missing link that's keeping Linux from being widely deployed in the enterprise. [Technology News from eWEEK and Ziff Davis]
I'll admit that the Microsoft "Visual" IDE is a sweet suit (couldn't resist), but I am not sure it's the thing keeping Linux out of the enterprise. Isn't the real problem the lack of enterprise applications (and commercial applications in general) for Linux? Maybe they know more about product development than I do.
Why wouldn't the answer to this problem be some kind of API bridged Windows library calls to Linux libraries? All you would have to do is change your build (make) files if you had mostly identical library calls. Sort of like an adapter. Then, porting Windows code to Linux would be much easier. Just, rebuild from source. Wouldn't that help product companies get their software onto Linux, and thereby increase the number of enterprise applications available for Linux?
As for the enterprise developer, does the IDE really matter that much? If you are a developer, I'm sure you can learn to use other tools. The real challenge is learning the libraries and the way X Windows works. Isn't that always the problem with a new platform -- learning API calls and the way to apply them. So, wouldn't it be nice to use the same API on both platforms?
Guess what -- there are cross-platform libraries. For just one example, look at Borland's CLX library that comes with Kylix. You can write your C++ referencing the CLX library with C++ Builder for Windows, and port it to Linux using Kylix. Same goes for Pascal with Delphi and Kylix.
Another answer? Java. Think about it -- that's why Java was created. To make a robust, common runtime environment and common API so developers could write once, run anywhere. I know that people think Java is ugly and too slow. Well, look at what Apple has done for Java on its platform! Not too shabby.
Java is not the only game in town for cross-platform work. Oh no. What about Python? What about Perl? GUI -- look at wxWindows or TK. You could even use Lisp! Ever think of that?
So, to recap... for C/C++ folks, use a cross-platform library from the get go and stop coding directly to the OS. For people who don't need the ultimate in speed, use an interpreted, cross-platform language. If you must write code that targets a platform, don't make it impossible to port by using every specialized, OS-specific API call available.
6:55:06 PM