Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 11:35:52 AM.


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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A new book was published on the Bush election fraud: The Battle for Florida.
FloridaStateUniversity: "A study by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, which looked at all the ballots that were initially rejected on election night 2000, revealed a surprise: most of these uncounted votes were in fact discarded because they were over-votes, instances of two votes for president on one ballot.

In an analysis of the 2.7 million votes that had been cast in Florida's eight largest counties, The Washington Post found that Gore's name was punched on 46,000 of the over-vote ballots, while Bush's name was marked on only 17,000.

The people responsible for administering the election had a conflict of interest and they, in a variety of ways, prevented the recount from being conducted.
One factor that drove it this way is essentially that the Republicans are on the losing side of a huge demographic trend in this state: an increasing minority population. And they know this - it's not a secret. One reason there was administrative sabotage of the recount was because a number of steps had already been taken to try to lock in the Republican control of Florida in the face of these demographics that are running in the other direction."
11:27:22 AM    

ILCA: "There is a bill in Congress to investigate Bush for impeachable crimes. Did you know that? If not, maybe you should be asking your local media outlets why you don't know about it.
There are now eight members of Congress who have put their names to a bill calling for a special committee of the House to investigate impeachable crimes by the Bush administration. To date, all of them are Democrats."

USNewswire: "An unprecedented series of indictments alleging war crimes and crimes against humanity, in five separate areas, on moral, political, and legal grounds, will be delivered by a citizens' tribunal to President Bush at the front gate of the White House this Tuesday, January 10th.
Named in the indictments are: President of the United States George W. Bush, Vice President Richard Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, U.S. Army Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, U.S. Army Major General Geoffrey Miller, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, et al.

The indictments allege war crimes and crimes against humanity authorized by the Bush Administration in relation to:
1) Wars of Aggression, particular reference to Iraq and Afghanistan;
2) Torture and Indefinite Detention;
3) Destruction of the Global Environment, particular reference to distortion of science and obstruction of international efforts to stem global warming;
4) Attacks on Global Public Health and Reproductive Rights, particular reference to the potentially genocidal effects of enforcing abstinence only, global gag rule, distortion of science, and restriction of generic drugs; and
5) Failure of Bush administration, despite foreknowledge, to protect life during and after Hurricane Katrina.

Appended to these indictments will be the demand for investigation of the war crimes of Tony Blair and George Bush submitted by prominent British citizens to the UN Secretary General and the UK Attorney General."

Hearings will be held by the International Commission of Inquiry On Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration in New York on Jan 20-22.
11:11:11 AM    

Independent: "Tony Blair has owned up to smacking his three elder children, but said that he had never hit his five-year-old son Leo.
The Prime Minister disclosed he had changed his attitude to corporal punishment as he launched the Government's action plan for restoring a sense of respect to society, including extra help for parents."

CBC: "Two British men were ordered Tuesday to stand trial later this month on charges of leaking a government memo in which U.S. President George W. Bush reportedly discussed bombing the headquarters of the Arab satellite news channel Al-Jazeera."

The Wrong Honourable Tony Bliar's latest Respect spin is trying to divert attention from the Respect party by focusing on family matters. We all know he had a problem with one of his sons being found lying drunk in the gutter. And there is proof now of the elderly running amok.

Smacking is Tony's answer, smack the kids, smack the old age pensioners, the workers, the war opponents and those bastards of Iraqi 'terrorists'.
But Tony still has his spin doctors and they advised him to call the smacking 'showing respect'.
11:01:05 AM    

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