Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 11:41:15 AM.


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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

There is a revolution going on, a neocon takeover of almost all government tasks by corporations. They call it privatisation and deregulation. The task of the modern government is seen as a facilitator for corporation profits. Transport, health care, energy, education, the armies, all are slowly but surely removed from the supervision of the people. Democracy has become a farce.

Guardian: "The man in charge of education in the prime minister's constituency for the past 16 years said today that the government's reform policies will spell the end of state education.
'In education, when choice is only available to some, it will be seized by the better off who have the resources, the knowledge and the confidence to work the system in their favour.'
Mr Mitchell also criticised the government for allowing the creation of more faith schools."

Human rights are increasingly under attack from 'Christian' lobby groups, who want to influence and control what other people think and do.
In the US there is "a growing campaign to force public schools, state colleges and private workplaces to eliminate policies protecting gays and lesbians from harassment".
Whatever is left of freedom and civil rights is claimed by fundamentalist religions. There is an ongoing battle for control of the minds and lives of people.

SFBayView: "Research on population control, preventing future births, is now being carried out secretly by biotech companies. Dr. Ignacio Chapela, a University of California microbiologist, discovered that wild corn in remote parts of Mexico is contaminated with lab altered DNA. That discovery made him a threat to the biotech industry.

Chapela was denied tenure at UC Berkeley when he reported this to the scientific community, despite the embarrassing discovery that UC Chancellor Berdahl, who was denying him tenure, was getting large cash payments - $40,000 per year - from the LAM Research Corp. in Plano, Texas.

Berdahl served as president of Texas A&M University before coming to Berkeley. During a presentation about his case, Chapela revealed that a spermicidal corn developed by a U.S. company is now being tested in Mexico. Males who unknowingly eat the corn produce non-viable sperm and are unable to reproduce.

Depopulation policy became the top priority under the NSC agenda, Club of Rome and U.S. policymakers like Gen. Alexander Haig, Cyrus Vance, Ed Muskie and Kissinger.

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has been proposing, funding and building Bio-Weapons Level 3 and Level 4 labs at many places around the U.S. - even on university campuses and in densely populated urban locations. In a Bio-Weapons Level 4 facility, a single bacteria or virus is lethal.

For what purpose are these labs being developed, and who will make the decisions on where bio-weapons created in these facilities will be used and on whom? More than 20 world-class microbiologists have been murdered since 2002, mostly in the U.S. and the UK. Nearly all were working on development of ethnic-specific bio-weapons.

Population is a political problem. The extreme secrecy surrounding the takeover of nuclear weapons, NASA and the space program and the development of numerous bio-weapons labs is a threat to civil society, especially in the hands of the military and corporations."
11:26:14 AM    

NYTimes: "The three-star Marine Corps general who was the military's top operations officer before the invasion of Iraq expressed regret, in an essay published Sunday, that he did not more energetically question those who had ordered the nation to war. He also urged active-duty officers to speak out now if they had doubts about the war."
10:44:37 AM    

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