Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 11:42:12 AM.


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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Statewatch: "The European Union is preparing to spend up to 1 billion Euro per year on new 'research' into surveillance and control technologies, according to Arming Big Brother, a new report by the Transnational Institute (TNI) and Statewatch.

Arming Big Brother lifts the lid on the secretive committees and arms industry lobbying that led to the creation of the European Security Research Programme (ESRP).

'The ESRP is completely unaccountable and gives multinational corporations an unacceptable role in EU decision-making. This is contributing to a European security agenda in the corporate rather than the public interest,' says Hayes [author of the report].

'The militarisation of policing and border controls will not prevent crime or terrorism', said Hayes, 'it does nothing to address root causes while posing a massive threat to civil liberties. The EU should be regulating the trade in security technology, not lavishing it with taxpayers money in an unaccountable fashion.'"

Summary: "Arming Big Brother concludes with a call for civil society to resist the development of the security-industrial complex and the wider militarisation of the EU. Civil liberties groups and anti-militarist campaigners should challenge current developments and explain to the people of Europe what is being done in their name. It is hoped that this report contributes to a broader campaign against EU militarism and that it will be followed-up by systematic monitoring of the development and implementation of the ESRP by independent groups."
11:48:01 AM    

BBC: "US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has approved plans to give the Pentagon greater leeway to deploy special forces around the world, a US report says.
According to the Washington Post, teams of special forces have been sent to 20 countries to carry out operational planning and intelligence gathering."

Again this proves that the US no longer is a democracy. Reichsmarschall Rumsfeld has bypassed Congress and the American people to authorise acts of war against foreign nations. He has created his own Waffen SS.

WashingtonPost: "Details of the plans are secret, but in general they envision a significantly expanded role for the military - and, in particular, a growing force of elite Special Operations troops - in continuous operations to combat terrorism outside of war zones such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Developed over about three years by the Special Operations Command (SOCOM) in Tampa, the plans reflect a beefing up of the Pentagon's involvement in domains traditionally handled by the Central Intelligence Agency and the State Department."

Telegraph: "British paratroopers secretly operating in support of the SAS in Iraq are using American uniforms, weapons and vehicles as part of their cover, The Daily Telegraph has learned.
Although John Reid, the Defence Secretary, only announced this week that the Special Forces Support Group (SFSG) had become operational, a company of more than 100 paratroopers has been working for six months in Baghdad. They have reportedly become so successful that American special forces have called on their help."

Under the cloak of 'democracy promotion' and 'diplomatic campaign', war operations are being planned by the US and UK. As these actions are illegal they are performed by secret murderous units. Tony Blair is illegally committing the UK to more wars; as usual he is lying and cheating to achieve this end. Herr Blair believes in 'Sieg Heil!'

MSNBC: "The US and UK are working on a strategy to promote democratic change in Iran, according to officials who see the joint effort as the start of a new phase in the diplomatic campaign [sic] to counter the Islamic republic's nuclear programme without resorting to military intervention.
A newly created Iran Syria Operations Group inside the State Department is co-ordinating the work and reporting to Elizabeth Cheney, the senior US official leading democracy promotion in the broader Middle East."

The mess Bush and Blair have created in Iraq and Afghanistan is not enough for them. They want to set fire to the whole Middle East.

Madeleine Albright: "'I think Iraq may end up being one of the worst disasters in American foreign policy.'
Asked what she would consider the greatest mistake of the Bush administration, she said what troubles her is that democracy is getting a bad name 'because it is identified with imposition and occupation'.
'I'm for democracy, but imposing democracy is an oxymoron. People have to choose democracy and it has to come up from below,' she said."
11:24:36 AM    

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