Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 11:41:17 AM.


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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Fair: "After someone brought up the question of whether the Democrats will be able to present an effective alternative to Bush in the next election, [Time magazine's] Joe Klein shouted out, 'Well, they won't if their message is that they hate America - which is what has been the message of the liberal wing of the part for the past 20 years.'... That's right. The most liberal columnist at the America's largest weekly newsmagazine pretends that the message of liberals for the past 20 years has been that they 'hate America', just as if he were reading from talking points issued by Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter."

You see, the extreme right in America and the mainstream media seem to vie with Goebbels for the most blatant and ugly propaganda. When they say that 'liberals hate America', they refer to a fiction that is 'America'; they don't mean 'Americans'. 'America' stands for the wealthy, greedy, warmongering neocon empire, a kind of corporate fascist state. Also, they are lying about the Democrats; most of them are light-Republicans.
By using words like 'America' and 'Homeland' (Heimat) the neocons are using fascist terminology; they don't talk about Americans. On the contrary the neocon policies are all directed against Americans, against the people. In fact, neocons hate Americans and the rest of the world as well.

When commerce and profits decide on everything from health care, education, the media and war, it is clear people only serve to create more profits. Neocons will promote the corporations' aims even if this means damaging public health, democracy or a peaceful existence. The war industry will promote war. The health industry will have an interest in 'promoting' diseases.

Guardian: "Healthy people are being turned into patients by drug firms which publicise mental and sexual problems and promote little-known conditions only then to reveal the medicines they say will treat them.
The studies, published in a respected medical journal, accuse the pharmaceutical industry of 'disease mongering' - a practice in which the market for a drug is inflated by convincing people they are sick and in need of medical treatment."

Neocons will sabotage their opponents wherever and whenever they can.
AlterNet: "Back in 2002, Bush's New England campaign chairman James Tobin plotted to 'jam another phone bank being used by the state Democratic Party and the firefighters' union for efforts to turn out voters on behalf of then-governor [Democrat] Jeanne Shaheen on Election Day'."

AlterNet: "Earlier this month, the House effectively repealed more than 200 state food safety and public health protections. Say, when was the last time you enjoyed a little touch of food poisoning? Coming soon to a stomach near you. What was really impressive about HR 4167, the National Uniformity for Food Act, is that it was passed without a public hearing.

Long ago, Abraham Lincoln wrote, 'Corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money-power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in few hands and the republic is destroyed'."

And as the neocon clique does not serve in the military, and certainly not in wars, they send America's sons and daughters to fight for their profits. What do they care if the land ain't free, what do they care if they contaminate the earth for thousands of years to come.

CapitalTimes: "Of the more than 670,000 troops deployed to the Gulf in 1991, about one-third of them now receive disability compensation.
During the current war and occupation we've fired 2,200-plus tons [DU] on people and cities all over Iraq. A byproduct of uranium enrichment, DU remains radioactive for 4.5 billion years. We have turned the cradle of civilization into a toxic wasteland."

CommonDreams: "Native Americans want U.S. authorities to cancel plans to detonate 700 tons of explosives on what they say is tribal land in Nevada."
Neocons don't care about the real Americans, the native Americans, and they don't care about the American soldiers who come home (if they come home) with DU poisoning.

MauiTime: "The army officials said the rounds posed no danger.
Yeah, no danger, except to Pentagon public relations. Much the way the military officials spent years vigorously denying that Agent Orange caused the cancers that were killing Vietnam vets, they denied that U.S. forces ever used DU rounds during training exercises at Schofield or any other base in Hawai'i."

Neocons hate Americans.
11:32:51 AM    

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