OK, its an official pity party.
The latest installment of Jinni's Journal was published in the Life section of today's N&R. Following close on the heels of my post yesterday about how much cancer costs in financial terms, Jinni gives you the rest of the story.
She contends, among other things, that your faithful correspondent has aged, "five years before my eyes." I take great exception to that my dear - it can't be more than two. She goes on to mention how I am now stuck with the housekeeping... that differs from our pre-cancerous days how, my sweet?
Folks, you have to know that the Hoggards have their good days and their bad days, just like you. But the good ones far out outweigh the bad around here. I suppose when you combine my take from yesterday with the tribulations Jinni describes today, you might get the impression that we are bent over double with the weight of it all. I can assure you we are not. We made the decision to open our lives up to you, so I'm afraid you are going to get the good with the bad.
We invited you to accompany us as we continue walking down this road, and you accepted our invitation as evidenced by the fact that you continue to read my and Jinni's words. But, in truth, our invitation was quite selfish. We needed the company of friends.
Now let's keep walking.
7:57:57 AM  