This past Saturday, the N&R pulled an inadvertant release of a draft article on the City Council's reactions to County Commissioner Skip Alston's charges of racism within the city staff. They finally ran Matt William's piece today.
John Robinson explains what happened, why they pulled it and why they are staying with the story... he also has received correspondence suggesting that the matter be dropped...
"Here's why we haven't: Accountability for your statements, particularly when you're accusing people of reprehensible behavior, is vital for anyone, especially elected officials."
Being one of probably two people who read the original on-line draft of the article on Saturday, I can tell you the only change I noticed in the copy was the number of days Alston was given to respond. Which, of course, he still refuses to do. Another notable difference was the addition of Mayor ProTem Johnson's interestingly put no-comment-comment...
"The more you flame negativity, the worse it gets," Johnson said. "I don't really have an opinion on it."
As I wrote on Saturday, the reported responses from our City Council were split in two, along racial lines...
- White folks Perkins, Gatton, Phillips, and Holliday's reactions can be best summarized as, 'That's just Skip, he's crying wolf again.'
- Black folks Burroughs-White, Johnson and Bellamy-Small reactions can best be summarized as, 'We don't want to talk about it.'
My take from Saturday still stands...
10:30:51 AM  