Scobleizer Weblog

Daily link Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Over on our book blog we're looking for who is blogging badly, particularly if you know of a business that's blogging badly.

10:22:01 PM    comment 

I interviewed David Anderson this evening. This guy is inspiring. He writes the Agile Management blog. He's working with teams here at Microsoft to get us to improve our software development process and is getting radical results. More when I get the video done.

10:17:08 PM    comment 

David Allen has a tiny thing that pisses him off: casual Fridays.

At Microsoft we're casual all the time. I wore a suit and tie once when I worked at Fawcette. People who I met with said "you're either here to sell us something or you're trying to get a job." Ouch.

I do wear a tie when meeting with employees from companies that have suit and tie cultures, but that's pretty rare nowadays since most tech companies are casual all the time.

10:03:27 PM    comment 

Larry Borsato: Robert Scoble is starting to sound a little desperate. "The problem is that Microsoft generally doesn't listen, so when they suddenly claim they are most people can't be bothered."

David Parmet: here's my two cents.

9:54:30 PM    comment 

Leslie Michael Orchard (aka 0xDECAFBAD): Four thoughts on MS RSS so far.

Heh, I love how he thinks he's not an important blogger. Um, here's a clue: every blogger is just as important as I am. Why? Search engines and something new coming soon.

I'm playing with some secret new technology that makes the tech blogging world even flatter. Not from Microsoft (the inventor asked me to keep it quiet until he's ready to release it). But, it totally is going to change how I blog (and it really already has although I can't change my style until you all get it too). It brought me Leslie's blog, for instance.

It also will make comments unneccessary. Why? Because there are systems coming that'll match up -- in minutes -- a main post and all the comments being made about that post.

I'm getting a bit of heck because I don't have trackbacks and my comments are down (and I'm probably going to remove them especially when this new technology comes out). But, when you see this thing (probably a couple more months) you'll see that all you need to do to leave a comment on my blog is to have a blog yourself and link to it.

I can't wait until I can talk openly about this new service.

9:30:07 PM    comment 

Paul Colligan: If Microsoft wasn't trying to delete podcasting, Scoble never would have had to post this.

9:14:48 PM    comment 

Steve Sloan, my former boss at San Jose State University, has been told by his management that he's not allowed to interview students on his podcast. What?

San Jose State is a pretty cool University. I'd love to hear their thinking on this one. I thought a university is about sharing knowledge and preparing students for the world?

I'd actually love to see the university lead the way here. This seems like it's stuck in the past.

Oh, current SJSU student Ryan Sholin is posting about this too. He called it "a load of crap." Me too.

9:08:07 PM    comment 

CBS Marketwatch: Adam Curry Makes 'Em Dance.

Hey, when Adam says dance, I dance! :-)

If you go through the registration process for that article you'll read about dinner on Saturday night.

I found this on Julie Leung's blog report of Gnomedex, which I liked a lot.

8:55:41 PM    comment 
3:23:03 PM    comment 

Parental problem, year 2005. My son downloaded the latest iTunes. He's 1,000 miles away. He just IM'ed me and said he's listening to podcasts.

"Um, which ones?" I wrote.

"Dawn and Drew."

"Oh, oh." I answered back. I've listened to Dawn and Drew too and knew that their show is pretty adult in nature.

"And one about movies and some other ones that aren't so bad" he said. What's your kid listening to? And, how do you guide their listening choices? Are they really honest with you? I've learned from my son that there's a whole underground network of kids that listen to their stuff without telling their parents the truth. They'll put Eminem music on CDs and put other bands' labels on them so that parents don't know that they are listening to Eminem, for instance.

Do you spy on your kids' music collections? I'm happy that Patrick feels cool with telling me what he's listening to, but feel a sense of sadness that he's growing up so fast. I guess that's the way our parents felt when we listened to AC/DC or something like that.

Every generation pushes the edge. Heh, maybe we should start a directory of "podcasts to make your parents mad?"

I bet there isn't a parenting book for this! Hey, maybe we need a podcast: "my son listens to Dawn and Drew, what do I do?" :-)

2:43:08 PM    comment 

Last week Microsoft made a big step on working with the community. We saw what can happen if you put something out there, put your ear to the ground, and then refactor based on what you hear.

But, now, it's time to step up the game. I'll be honest. We haven't been listening to the rumbling herd very well. We got blogging pretty well. MSN Spaces is on fire. More than 15 million spaces have been created since opening in December. 15 million!

The IE team is on fire. They understand the power of browse, search, subscribe. That's a deep transformation that I thought would take a lot longer to happen.

The Mappoint Team is coming soon with Virtual Earth. Yeah, Google Earth is 3D and all that (congrats to Google -- it's freaking awesome), but Virtual Earth is gonna suprise you as to what it helps you do and how it helps you connect to real-world things around you. Chandu over there understands the power of letting people put their own stuff on maps (he's the guy who built the blog map to my right).

But, there are other trees in the new media forest still to evolve. We need a new kind of conversation to make sure these teams not only do what's right, but do what's best for you as a customer and someone who uses this stuff.

"But I hate Microsoft and don't want to help you out," I can hear some of you saying.

Fine, but let's turn it around.

Let's say you're an iTunes user. Will Steve Jobs make sure that he keeps iTunes ahead of Microsoft's stuff? So far he has. He added podcasting support yesterday. Why? Cause he wants to make sure customers are given best-of-breed capabilities. He knows that the minute a better player or podcasting service comes along that the word-of-mouth network will bring that new service or player huge numbers of new customers.

So, let's go at it another way. What do you want in future versions of iTunes? Do you want to be able to take your feeds out of iTunes and put them into iPodder, for instance? Or Doppler? Or vice versa?

33,000 of you watched the RSS video on Channel 9 over the past few days. But, we've only heard from about 100 of you. That means there's a HUGE number of people who just are staying quiet and not becoming part of the conversation. Why? You think you have nothing to say? I tell you, if 1,000 of you wrote "I listen to podcasts" over on Channel 9 product planners around the world would pay attention. It takes a very small number of people to move companies. But they MUST show up, otherwise those of us who think we are hearing a new customer base get ignored.

Here's my agenda for the next couple of years:

1) I want an "Internet Content Sharing Suite" that does it all with simple, common, interfaces. Think back to 1989. Back then you needed to buy a word processing program from one vendor. A spreadsheet from another. A presentation program from another. And a database from yet another. Then Microsoft came out with the Office Suite that did it all. Why was that important? Cause the four apps in the suite worked together (yeah, I know it's not perfect, but it's a lot better than it used to be). They all came for one price. One support system. In one box.

Now, think about the Internet Content Creation software out there today. You need a blog tool from one vendor. A photo sharing tool from another. A wiki from yet another. A podcasting service from yet another. And a video blogging tool or service from yet another. None of these work together. Really. You should come and talk to me about how they COULD work together someday. But, they don't. The neat thing about RSS is that it shows the way how they all COULD work together. Everyone missed Dave Winer's demo of his OPML tool. Even Dave missed the power of that thing. OPML is the glue that COULD bring all these things together. But, Microsoft is so far away from understanding that it isn't even funny. And I work there, so I can't imagine how far away other big companies are from understanding this stuff.

A challenge to Microsoft: can we work together with the community to build such a suite without needing to own it all? Can we work with Google, Yahoo, iPodder, Technorati, Pubsub, Feedster, and all the others to build a really killer world where my son can share his info and his lists and his other stuff? Or, are we going to only want to live in our own world? Hint: this isn't like 1995. If we try to own it all we'll end up owning none of it. Apple is already kicking our ass. So is Google. Are we ready to cede EVERYTHING on the Internet to those two? (Hint: Yahoo isn't getting much of the PR -- yet, but they have grown their traffic dramatically over the past few months I hear. How did they do that? By supporting RSS before other big portals did).

2) I want a really killer podcasting device. I won't take knocks at the devices out there (my son will buy an iPod and I really don't have anything to say about it), but I watched how many of the Gnomedex attendees were doing podcasting. They had to do all sorts of weird things to get tags and descriptions onto their podcasts. And that was after they had recorded the podcast and had edited them with tools like Audacity or Garage Band. And, my podcast listening device, an iPod Shuffle, is frustrating to use for listening to podcasts.

3) I want another "Internet Memo." Back in 1997 Bill Gates said he was going to build the Internet into everything. That largely came true. I want another memo that says "we need to build Internet Content Sharing into everything we do." We need to be able to share all of our work and lives onto the Internet. Simply. Easily. Affordably. Heck, look at this. I'm typing right now in Microsoft Outlook. Great editor. Actually the editor is Microsoft Word. But, why can't I just click "publish on Internet?" Why do I need to copy it over to my weblog tool to publish it?

Look at every tool Microsoft makes. Look at how hard it is to get our stuff onto the Internet. Every team should be forced to work with the MSN Spaces and Mappoint teams to see how we can get our work. Our lives. Our creativity. Onto the Internet. Google wants to put all of the libraries onto the Internet. Bill Gates should think bigger. Bolder. Broader. Why do only the libraries? Why not put EVERY SINGLE EMAIL onto the Internet (if you want it)? Why not put EVERY SINGLE Word doc onto the Internet? Every single OneNote file? Every single music file? Every single Photoshop file? And so on? Yeah, you might say you can already publish those to a Web server. That's not easy enough. Can any of those publish to a Blogger site? A Typepad site? An MSN Space?

A few decades ago Bill Gates inspired me by saying he wanted to put a computer on every desktop. Now, let's inspire again.

OK, enough of my spin. I'm fired up. In the past two years I have attained every single dream I had. Now I need to put my ear to the ground again and figure out how to make it better for you.

Let's start. Since my comments are down, come on over to Channel 9 and tell us what you want in Media Player. What kind of podcasting support do you want? Or, do you think podcasting is just a fad?

Or, write on your own blog. Or talk on your podcast. Or shoot on your vblog. I'll point to the best responses.

Update: I started a thread for this discussion over on Channel 9.

2:28:22 PM    comment 

My comments are down. Dave Winer posted this morning that he's under a denial-of-service attack. Sigh. On the other hand, I'm getting a lot done. It's like a little vacation from comments. Maybe I should turn them off permanently?

10:38:27 AM    comment 

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Robert Scoble
My cell phone: 425-205-1921
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Last updated:
7/1/2005; 3:38:19 PM.

Robert Scoble works at Microsoft (title: technical evangelist). Everything here, though, is his personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. No warranties or other guarantees will be offered as to the quality of the opinions or anything else offered here.

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