Usernum 1014 : There are no secrets, only information you don't yet have.
Updated: 1/5/03; 1:03:18 PM.


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Sunday, July 21, 2002

Words do not suffice to describe the day I had at the Cross. It was so much more. I can't believe that we actually rode really powerful fucking cross machines either. On a real track in front of 20 thousand people. Last time I rode 2 wheels was my moped when I was 16. But today I was Elvis on a KTM! Ofcourse that totally fit in with the Sherman tank they had on the track and the limo they drop from a 200 foot crane onto a see-saw I had no idea the dutch could party like this. My friend is going to get me the picturres tomorrow and I'll post 'em asap
10:08:26 PM    Discuss

A picture named kop-cro82.jpgI've got my E-suit on, the chopper arrives at 9:40 to take the entire radio show krew to the annual Zwarte Cross, which started oout as an illegal moto-cross event years ago and now is a full fledged 3 day festival that attracts 40 thousand people. We land on the start finish line. Your typical 'wacky DJ stunt' I guess :-)
9:11:18 AM    Discuss

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