It took me almost 2 weeks to understand that the DRM this project is about is nout about managing copyrighted media, but something that sounds much cooler:
"Twenty of the world's most important broadcast-related organisations signed an agreement to develop specifications for a new digital radio technology that promises interference-free AM listening, improved fidelity and new data services. "
Yes martha, your AM radio is about to come back in style. Check out this page with sample sound quality from digital audio over shortwave. No more fading in and out, and completely hifi.
This could be a big boost to the crowded airwaves globally. Ofcourse AM transmitters aren't particularly cheap to operate. The guzzle diesel like nobody's business. More signal menas more power means more oil burned.
Thanks to lou for pointing me in the right direction. Since Radio Netherlands is a founding member of the consortium, I'm going to see if I can get some airtime when this stuff is ready to roll out.
3:25:37 PM