Alright. I saw this one when it was posted the other day, and it's been gnawing at me. I guess it's just envy, really. But, to soothe the wounded ego of my inner-child... (Hey Adam, I'm just jaggin' ya here (I think a fair translation would be the British idiom to take the piss). Now, let the jaggin' begin...) Reality check in Adam-land, marble aisle one. Hello? Marble floor?!? Crikey, I'm just hoping to move up to hardwood, someday. But I guess this is the POV of someone who has his own freakin' helicopter [Warning: Flash site, like so many of his seem to be] Bill Bumgarner:. "Did you know an iPod bounces when you drop it? Hee hee, Bill must not have a marble floor, anything I drop here is toast.
My eyes are turning green. Then again, I suppose Adam's may be turning red sometimes when he blogs -- he does live in Amsterdammed, ya know ;-)