Note to self about bookmarking trick for ERIC searches. Cool. Thanks, David!
Conversation: Transcribing lectures in real time. 11:37:03 AM [] blah blah blah'd on this ![]() ![]() Daaaaang! Marek unleashes a mighty rant that starts about Argentina, then swings it sights on even bigger targets.
Year End Deck Chair Rearrangement Argentinian Blues.
Go read it. Go. This little blog and its meagre pile of hits will still be here when you're done. I had a runaway upstreaming session a few hours ago (OK, my copy of Radio decided to pretty much wage its own meagre version of a DOS attack on the cloud server)... So I updated to 8.02 (followed the directions and everything) then made a test posting, and my browser decides to take a dump right in the middle of things flying out to the cloud server. *crash* Some of the files ended up having a last-modified date a few hours *in the future*. So when I finally got Radio restarted, all hell broke loose, and the same files got upstreamed like one hundred fifty times. In less than an hour. I kept the event log root, just to poke it with some sticks later. :-) It took me a while to figgur out there was no weird ju-ju hidden in the ODB, the problem was right there in plain sight in the filesystem. Ya know, these paradigm shifts can be a real biotch sometimes. Once I figured out what the heck was going on (Radio was just doing it's job, and it was gonna keep doing it, dammit, until it was time to stop!), I changed the timestamp on the files to be more accurate. Seems I'd made my own task worse by using a couple of categories on the post, and had to spelunk down a twisty little maze of folders to tweak them all. Doh! Was there a silver lining to this? Sho'nuf. Upstreaming seemed to be pretty reliable tonite. heh. And it was a banner day according to my referers page. My pinging the crap out of the weblogs.com server yielded as many hits from it as I got from the Segway blog -- four apiece! FOUR! yea woo. *Leaning out over the prow of my blog, wind in my face* I am the king of flow! not.