Dane, I have a possible solution for you, but as so many solutions, it creates new problems... If your machine is always on the net, then install a web server (*cough* Apache *cough*) on your system. Set up radio to backup the website pages into the directory your web server serves pages from. See to make the changes. Then when you publish something, Radio will place the rendered files into that folder. Then Apache can do it's thing. Happy happy.
Only problem is making folks know where to find you when the cloud server disappears... At least your regular readers might make/keep an alternate bookmark. Craig, I doubt they are actually going to be paying retail price for those ads. The network couldn't sell those Super Bowl ad slots, so they get to donate them to the US War on Drugs, both parties are happy, and the funny money books get cooked a little more. Salon explained all about this US WoD + Networks partnering just over a year ago!
White House Buys Anti-Terror Super Bowl Spots by Ira TeinowitzThe White House anti-drug advertising program will break two anti-terror ads on the Super Bowl in the biggest single-event government advertising buy in U.S. history. ... 3:37:47 PM [] blah blah blah'd on this ![]() ![]() Hey Dane, I think this shows why having a hybrid system (on my desktop and on the cloud server) can be a good thing. All our eggs are not in one basket, but we do share copies of those eggs in a collective basket -- which is broken right now.
Yup, that main cloud server for all of the radio.weblogs.com sites may be down right now, but since I'm using Radio, I can keep on posting stuff here to my blog. When the cloud server becomes available to me, I can publish my stuff to the cloud, and it'll be there, timestamps intact and all. For those who might wonder why I enjoy being Alwin's Alwin(er)Logger, it's because of gems like this, where he is unafraid to burrow into a beady little brain....
Maybe he thinks if he hides these works of art and the principles they celebrate, they'll go away. Maybe he thinks we'll forget about the concepts they represent. 1:24:48 AM [] blah blah blah'd on this ![]() ![]() Alrighty, here's the results for who sent the most flow to moi yesterday...
Dane Carlson -- 37 hits confirmed Shout outs to: Daniel and Craig, who both saw a blip in their referer pages, and clicked back to see what the heck. Hey there, fellas. Do stop back. Clearly, Dane smoked the two frontrunners combined. His hits rolled in early and often this morning, and then were followed by a second wave in the evening. That said, Shelley is still a woman to be reckoned with (I am also aware her blog can kicks my blog's ass, in a major way), and Alwin is still a cool frood, even if he reads the same atrocious literature as myself -- Bored of the Rings?!?
Thanks for the flow, folks, it was way cool on this link-ho's end, watching all this roll in. G'night, Gracie.