I meant to buy a new bike today, but it was too nice to be inside shopping. I took a walk down the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail instead. Except for brown grass, and ice coated tidal mud, it almost seemed like summer. 7:59:59 PM
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Anchorage Daily News | Classic' breakup has Chena River full of ice: "The 2 1/2-foot-thick blanket of ice that covered the river was ripped off and broken to pieces by a surge of water produced by the almost three inches of rain and eight inches of snow that fell on Fairbanks in the last week. ... Icebergs ranging in size from pizzas to parking spaces floated down the river most of the day, creating a series of ice jams on the lower section of the river that caused water to back up in several spots before the jams worked their way down the river. "
I wish they'd posted pictures of this. If you've never seen a river break up, trust me, its an amazing sight. 7:59:30 PM
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Tonight's plan: Rake the yard, do the dishes, wash the car. 7:41:13 PM
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