SatireWire | MEN DO TALK ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS: "According to a new study, young women speak more frequently and frankly about sex and sex-related subjects than men do. But this isn't true. Men speak about sex and relationships all the time. It's just in code... " 8:45:28 PM
![]() SatireWire | GEORGE BUSH PREGNANT: "While rare, presidential pregnancy is not new. The oval office itself was built in 1909 to accommodate the expanding girth of William Howard Taft, who despite carrying what appeared to be triplets, never actually gave birth. It is particularly common, meanwhile, for presidents to exhibit the signs of pregnancy, such as swelling breasts, increased appetite, and heightened sexual interest. These symptoms often caused many to assume that then-President Clinton was expecting. " 8:42:27 PM
![]() Tonights plan: More sleeping, less blogging.
Tomorrow's plan: Mow the dog, groom the lawn. 8:26:28 PM ![]() Dog Door of Death Blog: "How cool would it be to have an entire country's website in your portfolio?" 8:07:00 PM ![]()