...radio free beowulf
michael jardeen...musings about news and life
i dream...of something better | i care...too much it seems
Oceans Edge

daily link image Monday, February 4, 2002

Philips Burning on Protection
Electronics manufacturer Philips has been fanning the flames in the fight over copy-protected music CDs, threatening to undermine the record industry's attempts to tinker with disc formats in order to thwart music pirates.

Could Philips take on the major labels and win? Yes, it could -- but the company may only be hastening the death of the 20-year-old compact disc format. [Wired]

...YES! Go Phillips! Just one more reason for me to go out and buy Phillips products! Phillips is setting a course for a collision with the Music Industry over it's perversion of the "Red Book" Audio Standard for CD Audio. Go Phillips!...mj
8:54:48 PM    

Power bandit electrocuted, police say
Police on Saturday were trying to identify a man who died when he came into contact with a power line.

The man had climbed a metal ladder with automotive jumper cables in his hand around 7:55 p.m. Friday, said Detroit Police Officer Alecia Thomas.

"He was trying to steal power off of the power line with the jumper cables," Thomas said. "He fell off of the ladder and the power line fell on top of him."

The man, who appeared to be about 45 years old to 50 years old, was squatting in one of the vacant houses in the same block, Thomas said. [Detroit Free Press]

...an early leader for the Darwin Award...mj
8:35:12 PM    

Ads Don't Sell
Overall I would have to rate yesterdays Superbowl Ad Marathon as one of the worst in years. Most were forgetable, some were downright awful...yes, awful!

ATT gets my award for the "Dumbass Waste of Money Ad." Did I care what mLife was? Well MetLife does, and they are sueing ATT over tradmark infringement. Did I ever learn what it was..NO! The Bush Administration gets a "Boner Award" for confusing us with two messages at once, as they tried to tell us that using Drugs is the same as helping a terrorist...trying too hard in my opinion. "Worst Appearance By A Jingle" goes to Cadillac...sorry, I love the new cars, but Zepplin is just not a Cadillac band.

What were the best ads of the day? Budweiser had the best set -- loved the bowing horses, and laughed my head off at the dive-bombing Falcon. The Bonds-Hank Aaron Schwab ad was fantastic -- but my favorites were the Quiznos and Blockbuster ads. The Quiznos ads were great fun.

By the way...I only saw one Spears-Pepsi ad...what happened, did I blink at the wrong time?

Now I can get back to my normal life, as I wait another year for a day when I actually give a damn what ads are on TV!...mj
5:09:56 PM    

Bluetooth is a wireless bully
Bluetooth promises to make our computing and telecommunications life easier. But, it may behave so badly it can be the most-hated technology. [e-magazine]

...bluetooth, bluetooth, were art though bluetooth? Sounds like this dog don't hunt. The short and the long of it is that Bluetooth sucks as it now stands. What mess...I put this next to Intel's insane refusal to support Firewire...mj
3:06:49 PM    

I got Blogged
The one thing we all seem to agree on is that the Music Industry sucks! I got blogged by Adam Curry, John Robb, and Doc Searls. My "Open Letter To The Music Industry" seems to have hit a raw nerve.

The Music Industry is off the Cluetrain (I doubt they were ever on it), and playing like Crash Test Dummies with their senses. Reality has shifted and the bottle is not going to be closed up again. No matter how hard the Industry squeezes, it will not get things back to the way they were...mj
2:42:15 PM    

Ex-Enron chief refuses to testify
Former Enron chairman Kenneth Lay pulled out of this week's scheduled congressional testimony on Sunday, with his lawyer saying that hearings have taken on a "prosecutorial" tone. [Salon]

...so we continue to spin about the circle...the truth gets dimmer and the participants get dimmer still...mj
2:19:13 PM    

So, just what the hell happened? After three weeks of daily posting, I got an unplanned day off. My Internet service got cut off for non-payment! Why?...well... that is a little uglier.

Right now I am in the worst financial shape of my entire life. My last employer owes me over $7500. They have not paid anyone since early December. The deal that frees up the money should come clear in a few days...but in the meantime we are stuck running from one bill to the next...IT SUCKS! What also sucks is that I may not even get a chance to continue this Blog since I have no money...mj
12:50:46 PM    

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Stop Policeware!

Screw the Music Industry - they have screwed you for years!

© Copyright 2003, Michael Jardeen.
Last update: 10/9/03; 5:43:22 PM.