...radio free beowulf
michael jardeen...musings about news and life
i dream...of something better | i care...too much it seems
Oceans Edge

daily link image Tuesday, February 26, 2002

Welcome to the NW...the land of murder...
A court in the Canadian city of Vancouver has charged a pig farmer with double murder in a case which may be linked to the disappearance of up to 50 women over the last 20 years. [BBC]

Let's get this perfectly clear. I am born and raised in the NW (as we call it). I have lived here all my life. It's an area of beauty, pristine environments and dull grey, wet winters that must drive people to kill, kill, kill, and then kill some more. We seem to love killing prostitutes, or as they say theses days...people in the sex-trade business. As if that somehow makes it easier to talk about...call it what you want, but these women were having sex for money and drugs. Some to pay bills, some to feed habits, some to feed relationships. Whatever the reason they ended up dead. Victims of a 'victimless' crime. In fact we seem to like to kill them in very large numbers. I just wonder how someone can do the things these monsters did.

The eyes of three killersIt's not just prostitutes, but lately we have been working doubletime to clean the streets. In B.C. they are busy solving a 20 year old case with up to 50 dead. Here is the Seattle are we have a suspect in the "Green River" murders. Gary Ridgway is suspected of killing 49 women. In Spokane we have the strange case of Mr Yates, a seemingly normal husband and father by day. At night Yates had a taste for prostitutes and death. All in all over 100 prostitutes murdered by these three men (to be fair, Ridgway is only charged at this point)...

There are others, but none can match Mr. Bundy. There have been few cases ever to catch so many peoples attention. 'Ted' was the cleancut boy next door, brilliant, and charming. He also had a habit of raping and murdering nice, young debutants. The human mind at its most wretched is strange...Bundy is the anomaly, and yet he is is also the standard by which all others are measured.

So is it the rain? Is it the many months of grey skies? Is it the long winter nights? I don't know, but I find it discomforting to think that we have had so many in this region...mj
10:07:32 AM    

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