...radio free beowulf
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Oceans Edge

daily link image Saturday, May 25, 2002

A Tale of Two Star Wars Movies...
It was the best of movies, it was the worst of movies. It was a movie of stellar scenes and incredible action. It was also a movie of insipid dialogue and wooden acting. It was an opportunity to see effects to set the mind ablaze, but also an opportunity to snore as characters speak lines that no one could ever say without laughter. It was a movie where humans are upstaged by animated fantasies. It was both a great movie and a huge disappointment. It was "Attack of the Clones."

George Lucas is confused. He needs to Produce and quit Directing because he can't Direct. He hasn't been able to since a time long ago and far far away. The sad part is that they brought in a writer to spruce up the dialogue. I would have hated to see what it was like before.

Lucas needs to work on casting. So far he is 0-2 for Anakin. Lloyd was too wooden, though he gave it a good try. Hayden is just bad, bad, bad. My wife and I walked out and said the same exact thing, and we never agree about movies of this genre. I have never seen two people with less chemistry, never. There was no real passion to the relationship, except in the Chariot going into the arena. If a movie is wrapped around a love affair, it helps to think that the two people might actually be in love.

The dialogue was horrible. It was bad, It stunk. Who approved these lines. The delivery by Hayden just made it even worse. His character was an asshole from the word go. What was tolerated by the other Jedi only indicated stupidity on their part. Missing his decent into evil was not the clouding of the force, by the Sith, it was blindness by the Jedi Council.

Ok, with that off my chest. What did I like? Well, the other 80% of the movie was fantastic. The chase scenes were astounding. The last 30 minutes simply amazing. The battle sequences were simply Russian in there scale. I was out of breath. Seeing Yoda fight made be laugh and gasp at the same time.

Speaking of Yoda...WOW! I believed he was real. He had more character than Hayden as Anakin. Now if they could get that out of the humans...mj
9:31:03 AM    

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