Friday, February 21, 2003
2003 Denver Mayoral Election
From and e-mail sent by John Hickenlooper's campaign, "John will be at Stella's (1476 S. Pearl Street) this Saturday, 2/22, from 1:00 - 2:00 PM. Stop by to say hello; bring your friends and neighbors to meet John."
8:46:37 PM
FCC and Broadband
Kevin Werbach: "The technology vendors are rightly focused on next-generation networks that deliver 10-100 megabits per second to the home. I'm far less troubled by the elimination of sharing requirements for new fiber deployments (what the High Tech Broadband Coalition endorsed) than the destruction of line-sharing for today's DSL. The problem isn't with Intel's position, it's with the set of compromises the FCC made."
8:38:06 PM
2003 Denver Municipal Election
Patricia Calhoun is taking on the subject of the city's budget crisis and how it'll effect the next administration. She writes, in this weeks Westword, "And really, what's the hurry? The amount needed to cover the raises for elected officials is a mere drop in the increasingly empty bucket when compared to the sheer volume of the city's CSA employee payroll." She makes some good points but takes some cheap shots at Rika Mead, the city's Change Manager, and CSA employee raises.
5:54:06 AM
© Copyright 2009 John Orr.
Last update: 3/14/09; 5:58:39 PM.