Saturday, April 9, 2005
Denver May 2005 Election
Bob Ewegen is encouraging Denver voters to approve the new Denver Justice Center in his column it today's Denver Post [April 9, 2005, "Six reasons for new Denver jail"]. He writes, "During Vialpando's trial, alert deputies confiscated a map he had drawn outlining how he planned to escape from the courthouse with the help of an armed confederate. I won't give any details because our courthouse is just as vulnerable to Vialpando's scheme today as it was during his 1988 trial. Innocent citizens could be caught in the crossfire. In contrast, the new jail will include secure criminal court facilities. Court personnel, jurors and ordinary citizens with business at city hall will no longer risk being killed during the kind of violent escapes that Vialpando planned and that Brian Nichols allegedly accomplished."
8:49:02 AM
Colorado Water
There's plenty of snowpack in the San Juans for a change. McPhee reservoir is expected to fill and spill for the first time in the 21st century. Here's an article from the Denver Post about it [April 9, 2005, "San Juan snowpack signals relief for parched S.W. Colo."]. From the article, "The snowpack in the southwestern corner of Colorado stood at 141 percent of the 30-year average on Friday. The torrent of runoff that the snow will produce means river runners could return to the Dolores River."
8:42:03 AM
The Rocky Mountain News is starting an effort to engage local bloggers and others to participate in citizen journalism called, YourHub.com. This is very cool.
Here's the introduction from John Temple's column in today's Rocky [April 9, 2005, "Temple: YourHub.com will be all about you"].
Kudos are in order for the Rocky and of course Mr. Temple. Thank you, Coyote Gulch can't wait to see how this stuff works out.
8:25:03 AM
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Last update: 3/14/09; 7:26:02 PM.