Coyote Gulch


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  Sunday, April 10, 2005

A picture named starmagnoliasmgsmall.jpgFlora

The star magnolias in Mrs. Gulch's Moon Garden were looking great until today's blizzard. Here's hoping they'll get through it ok.

Hyacinths from the same garden.
9:01:30 PM     

Delay Rule
DeLay Rule

Josh Marshall: "With all of Tom DeLay's bossism and corrupt rule now finally being revealed to a wider audience, I figure it's time to revisit the DeLay Rule, and remember which Republican members of the House were so devoted to DeLay (i.e., owned by DeLay) that they were willing to rewrite their caucus's rules on his request because they thought he was about to indicted back in Texas. We've got a whole library of the letters the DeLay Rule backers sent to their constituents trying to explain themselves."
12:34:51 PM     

Radio Userland RSS titles
Weblog Experiments

Coyote Gulch is working with Radio Userland titles for RSS and other formatting ideas this morning. If my feed or the weblog look different or weird to you, bear with me. It'll settle down soon.
8:52:51 AM     

Rocky RSS
A picture named rss.jpgRSS Goodness

I just noticed today that the Rocky Mountain News has RSS Feeds. Subscribed!
8:18:33 AM     

Owens pitches budget compromise
Denver November 2005 Election

Here's an opinion piece written by Governor Owens from today's Denver Post, urging voters to approve the budget compromise worked out by the State Legislature, that will appear on the fall ballot [April 10, 2005, "Budget fix a sensible plan"]. He writes, "This November, Colorado taxpayers will vote on a reasonable plan to shore up the state's finances, help complete our recovery from the recession and invest in key priorities such as higher education, transportation and health care. We're asking for a five-year 'timeout' from TABOR surpluses. And in the sixth year, we'll cut the personal income tax to 4.5 percent."
8:04:50 AM     

Post to Beauprez - stay put
Denver November 2006 Election

The Denver Post editorial staff wants Bob Beauprez to stay put in the U.S. Congress and forego a run at Governor [April 10 2005, "A no vote on Bob Beauprez's question"]. They write, "Others can be governor, but Beauprez has positioned himself as Colorado's go-to guy in Republican Washington, and it would be a setback if he was to walk away from an opportunity than can bring much benefit to the state...In just over two years in the House, Beauprez has earned key committee assignments and a prized seat at GOP policy tables. He fights for Colorado interests, and his pragmatic approach to problem-solving has made the second-term congressman the leading Republican in the state's congressional delegation."
7:51:55 AM     

Denver Justice Center news
Denver May 2005 Election

Here's a story about Denver's efforts to keep offenders out of jail from the Denver Post [April 10, 2005, "Corrections efforts go beyond jail plan"]. From the article, "With Denver's vote on a $378 million jail-and-courts expansion approaching, critics question whether city officials have done enough homework to justify the scope of their plans. While few argue against Denver's need to expand its crowded jail system, opponents of the May 3 ballot issue charge that some programs designed to keep repeat offenders from returning to jail are only now getting underway. What's more, the city's tools for analyzing the number and nature of inmates in its jails are outdated, making it hard to identify inmates who could be rehabilitated to pare the jail population."

Diane Carman took a tour of the jail recently. She writes about it in her column in today's Denver Post [April 10, 2005, "Sheriff's tour slams door on doubts"]. According to Carman, "We peppered our guides with questions: What about diversion programs? Why must the courthouse be downtown? How did the city arrive at the estimate for future jail beds needed? What will happen to the old facilities? Sheriff Fred Oliva patiently responded. He's taken 179 citizens on 22 tours like this since January. At last we arrived at the complex of buildings surrounded with tall fences topped with concertina wire. We'd seen the TV commercials for the jail bond measure and read the stories, so we thought we knew what to expect. We were wrong."
7:34:48 AM     

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Last update: 3/14/09; 7:26:09 PM.

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