Coyote Gulch


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  Thursday, April 21, 2005

Connecticut in Context
Gay Patriot "But, until yesterday, no elected state legislature, without having been forced by the courts, passed a bill recognizing same-sex civil unions. When the state's democratically elected Republican governor (albeit elected Lieutenant Governor, but who assumed her current position in accordance with the state Constitution when her predecessor resigned) signed the legislation, the bill became law. Now, the whole nation is watching."

Thanks to Ed Cone for the link.
6:52:39 AM     

Denver Justice Center
Colorado Luis: "I'm always a bit uncomfortable about voting for something that helps promote locking people up, but I've been stumped on alternatives to the current penal system. I do think it is important for Denver not to house inmates under inhumane conditions such as those existing at the current Smith Road jail facility. So Hickenlooper and the Yes on 1A people have got my vote on this one."

Category: Denver May 2005 Election
6:07:33 AM     

CO Governor
Al Yates (former president of CSU) may be in the Govenor's race according to the Colorado Pols. They write, "We used to have Yates on the Governor Line, but it sounded as though he wasn't interested. What changed? If Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper doesn't enter the race, Yates is apparently concerned that Democrats won't be able to win the seat. While Yates is technically an Independent, he'd run as a Democrat (or at least a Democrat-leaning Independent)."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election
5:48:04 AM     

Citizen Journalism
Westword looks at the Rocky Mountain News in today's issue.
5:42:44 AM     

TABOR Compromise
The Rocky Mountain News editorial staff is supporting the budget compromise (HB1194) that will be on the November Ballot [April 21, 2005, "Voters should back budget compromise"]. From the editorial, "Months - no, make that years - of haggling over possible fixes for the state's budget troubles have finally resulted in a compromise that both the Republican governor and the Democratic leaders of the legislature are willing to back. On Tuesday, the House and Senate passed House Bill 1194, the referred measure to fix the fiscal mess. Voters should sigh with relief and, come November, vote to approve the measure. It's not perfect - compromises seldom are - but it's reasonably straightforward so voters can understand the choice they're making. That's important because fiscal policy issues are complicated, and when voters read something that makes their eyes glaze over, they're inclined to vote 'no' on principle."

Category: Denver November 2005 Election
5:33:19 AM     

U.S. Senator Ken Salazar is speaking out against the Focus on the Family campaign against several senators, according to the Rocky Mountain News [April 21, 2005, "Salazar slams Focus"]. From the article, "There has been heated rhetoric from all sides this month, as Senate Republicans threaten to seek rule changes giving all judicial nominees a right to an up-or-down vote. As things stand, the minority party can use filibuster procedures to delay an appointment indefinitely unless there are 60 votes to proceed. If Republicans change the rules, Democrats say, they might bring other legislative work to a standstill. At a press conference with Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., Salazar said it was wrong for Republicans to end rules that have worked in the U.S. Senate for two centuries. Democrats called it the 'nuclear option' because they consider it so drastic."

Mike Littwin looks at the intersection of politics and religion in his column in today's Rocky Mountain News [April 21, 2005, "Littwin: Bible story: Senate debate an abomination"]. He writes, "He wasn't alone. Sixteen hundred miles away, U.S. Sen. Ken Salazar felt the need to speak, too. He and Joe Lieberman held a news conference - the viva-chutzpah caucus, Lieberman called it - at which Salazar called out Focus on the Family, the Colorado Springs ministry with its own political arm. That arm has got reach, too, and it's getting longer every day. It has been jabbing Salazar and other senators on the issue of judicial nominees and filibusters. I'm not sure how exactly, but a no-filibusters-on-judges doctrine has become the religious right's 11th Commandment."

Stygius: "Will White House withdraw Bolton?"

Here's a story from the AP via the Rocky Mountain News about the Bolton nomination [April 21, 2005, "Senators seek CIA information on Bolton"]. From the article, "The White House vigorously defended Bolton on Wednesday and predicted he will be confirmed as U.N. ambassador despite cracks in support from Republican senators concerned that Bolton has a short fuse and a pattern of mistreating co-workers. The White House also offered to arrange private meetings between Bolton and any wavering Republicans. There was no indication that Bolton might withdraw."

Category: 2004 Presidential Transition
5:19:20 AM     

Water Conservation
Customers of Denver Water continue to decrease water use, according to the Rocky Mountain News [April 21, 2005, "Denver Water use falls significantly"]. From the article, "This year, Denver Water is forecasting a 24 percent drop in overall water use, more than double its original projection, which foresaw an 11 percent drop...about 92.8 billion gallons of water this year. New projections show the utility's 1.2 million metro-area customers are likely to use just 70.5 billion gallons, largely because of lessons learned from the drought. The phenomenon, known as a drought shadow, is expected to continue through the next nine years. By 2014, even with a projected 1 percent annual growth in its customer base, Denver Water expects to sell 87.7 billion gallons of water, less than it normally would have sold in 2005. The drop in sales likely means major changes for Denver Water, board members said, as the utility struggles to adjust to a tighter budget and craft future water supply plans."

Category: Colorado Water
5:12:35 AM     

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