Tuesday, March 04, 2003

It's a Mad Mad Mad World of Webloggers (at Harvard)

Today's Newscan posted feedback from Julian C. Dunn (no weblog) to a previous Newscan post on Dave's Harvard Blogs initiative

"...what is Harvard thinking? Someone there has been blinded by the hype of weblogs, and failed to realize that the premise of weblogs is the publication of one's diary entries publicly. To suggest that blogging is a skill as valuable and basic as word processing or e-mail is ludicrous."

Obviously Julian doesn't get it. Weblogging is writing just the same as word processing or e-mail is writing. So that makes it as valuable as them. You have to get your point across, whether your point is a personal expression of feelings and emotions or whether your point is a technical assessment of a new technology. The key to weblogs IMHO is that it makes writing for the web as easy as writing an email and more important than a word processing document in that it gets posted to the web for searching and archival.

OK, I'll actually say it (and now I'm in the personal emotion publishing mode), Julian probably doesn't have anything interesting to say to anyone outside of those folks that he can see with his own eyes. No desire to get feedback from anyone other than those who already know what he thinks. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
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The Folks That May Be Fighting For Us

If you are at all interested in how the U.S. has moved it's 150,000+ forces into the gulf region, The Screaming Eagles Fly to the Gulf in today's NYTimes is a must read. You really feel like you are with them, through the emotions, marriages, shots, gear, guns, water, taxes, and the like on a 47 hour trip on a commercial airliner (and you must carry guns on this one) from the damp fog of Kentucky to the dusty winds of the Kuwaiti desert. Link thanks to John Robb (an ex-military flier) who says this will be the team that fill the gap in Northern Iraq.
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If It's On TV It's Probably Not Real, Unless It's McDonalds Reality TV

McDonalds admits doctoring one of their sandwiches in an advert (very English term) after complaints prompt the very English sounding Independant Television Commission to ban the ad. (Link thanks to Adam.)

"McDonald's subsequently admitted that in the advert some of the toppings had been moved to the edge of the burger bun so they were more visible to viewers."

Well, shit howdy! It's about time something like this happened. I'm not a big lover of TV, as some may know. I'm so cynical about it that everytime an advert (boy I like that term) comes on the Tele (that's a long E at the end), I tell Miles, "Remember, they're trying to sell you something. Be wise." I have a feeling that will work, since now Miles is making sure he doesn't eat too much sugar. Seriously. He has taken my words about what we call around here 'Monday cereal' (once a week, to get the week started) and it's complete sugar content and is shunning most overtly sugar foods. Last night he even turned down an ice cream cone at the Rite-aid. Now I'm kind of worried that I over did it. He's now going to have a sugar complex. I guess there could be worse things.
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