Saturday, March 08, 2003

The First Post With The New Face To The New Home Of The New Jazz Thing (.com)

Let's see how this first post works with the new face and the new ftp to the new home. Gulp...

[Later...] Double gulp. Big gulp. Bigger gulp.
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A New Address Must Have A New Look (Version 1)

As part of the move over to, I'm going to put a new face on the weblog. This will probably cause even more havoc for you few readers and visitors, but just think of it as a New possibility every time you visit. This current face will become more personalized as the days move on. Now to put back some of the things we all know and love, like the Comments, the Headlines, etc.

[Later...] Oops. Not quite yet. The idea was to leave these pages as is and utilize the new look on the first publish to the new site. Hiccup.
6:43:35 AM    comment []  Google It!  

The Saturday Morning Post - I'm Moving and Leavings Lots of Wreakage Behine

Good Saturday Morning! Hopefully the beginning of a good weekend. But I guess that's up to me (to put into perspective).

This weekend's on-line hijinks, while they could definitely be spent catching up with previous prognostications, will be focused as of this minute on moving all of these on-line activities to

alternately known in it's short-hand form as

It's been nagging at me for awhile, even before I purchased the space and the name last last year, so it's time to get this basic piece accomplished. And there is going to be lots of damage that will need to be fixed. Linkage to the Radio Userland home for this weblog (http://Radio.Userland.Com/0101235), both in the blog and from outsiders (not many, unfortunately), will need to remedied in some way. But once this is done, we will have begun the full on branding process for The New Jazz Thing. For what that's worth and I am right now having a hard time understanding what that's worth...but on we trudge.

On the off-line front for this weekend, we've got San Carlos Little League Opening Day ceremonies this morning at Lake Murray and then we open the season with our first Tee Ball game. Should be a hoot. Peter Erskine (Lounge Art Ensemble) is in town tonight at the Atheneaum Jazz At The Studio and mentioned coming by the show, so I'l like to squeeze that in. Also, Miff Mole is docent for one stop (right here) on the Soho San Diego Arts and Crafts Weekend (as in home style) and we'd like to play groupie to Mr. Mole if possible. House tidying is in order along with new tile floor grout sealing (why don't the tiler's do this?). Should be nothing short of spectacular, he says pumping himself up.

The sun is rising and I must make haste if I'm going to mess this whole weblog up in an appropriate manner. I will hopefully see you all later at a much more personalized place!

Much Love...VO
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