Saturday, March 29, 2003

Blogging Saturday Night Live - Steve Turre, Redux. Whatever that means.

Redux: Brought back; returned. Used postpositively.

Postpositively? Righteous sounding word.

Last week at this time I was thinking about what it will (should) be like when the new G4-12 arrives. It's Saturday Night. I'd be blogging Saturday Night Live. So I did once. And it felt good. Even if I was groggy and had my lazy speller slippers on.

So I did it again, about Steve Turre, Jazz trombonist extrodinaire, cool and ever young looking dude, and long-time Saturday Night Live band member. But for some reason the post never materialized on the blog. I came down Sunday morning, checked, and it was gone. So, with just 10 minutes before the show tonight, I thought I'd try it again.

Steve TurreWhy have I not had Steve Turre on The New Jazz Thing yet?! He was one of the first Jazz musicians I heard putting out New stuff when all of it was New to me. Around 1987-ish. I should have connected with him by now. And last week he got some prime face-time on the show. And he looked like he was having fun.

Anyway, back again to SNL. No G4 yet, but coming soon to a blog near you...

[Later...]'s a rerun. Wonder what Steve does on those weeks he's not playing SNL? I wonder what he does on the weeks HE IS playing SNL? Back to the show...
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I Blogged Longer Than I Wanted

I always blog much longer than I think I'm going to. Now off to grout-prep-land...
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SARS Knocks Out The First Generation. Where Does This Thing Lead?

AnaNova: Doctor who identified mystery illness dies from disease

"Italian Dr Carlo Urbani, 46, a World Health Organisation expert on communicable diseases, has died in Thailand where he had been receiving treatment after becoming infected while working in Vietnam.

Urbani, who worked in the public health programmes in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam was the first to identify the disease - known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - in an American businessman who had been admitted to a hospital in Hanoi, where he later died."

Wow. It knocked out the dude who knew it first. That part of the history of what could become something pretty heinous world-wide (like AIDS?) is gone. SARS sounds like a rumbling right now, but I'm wondering what happens if it explodes at this obviously unstable point of time in history. In China.

"To date, SARS has killed at least 55 people and sickened 1,485, with the biggest number of cases and deaths in China's Guangdong province, where an earlier outbreak began in November."

Just what we need right now. Although I thought I saw a headline about how differently the SARS and The War fights where each being done. Or something like that. And headlines about airlines restricting passengers. And Toronto. Closing in. Anyway, a scary story to watch out for.
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The Saturday Morning Post - The Man Who Discovered SARS, Dies Of It?

Working on a little something in the few minutes before I get the rest of the day and weekend started. Slinkily dragged my way downstairs and headed out. In the garage, listened to NPR Hourly News. The War. And then a story I have yet to follow up on and will soon, but it sounded like "The Man Who Discovered SARS, Dies Of It?" [Later...Carlo Urbani, Italian, Dies in Thailand...more]) wow.). That's kind of scary, me thinks. Now I want to write about it. And be able to blog the sound bite I heard along with this post. It's amazing what ideas come up when inspired by what sounds like interesting news and current events. Anyway, the day was started.

Retrieving the paper on quiet College Ave. and a clear Santa Ana morning, the Gardner Rock Advertisement awaited. Do I need a gardner? Yes, I do! Actually, I'd like to do it, but there isn't much time alloted for that. Anyway, one thing it reminded me that I need to communicate. A lot more than I do. Little things. Like, "Hey, do we need a gardner?" Or, "Hey, got one of those Gardner Rock Advisements. Aren't they wierd, honey?" Just communicate.

So in an effort to remember to communicate and to document my first set it down and hope it got communicated...I took a picture. From the inside because I didn't want to open the slider again, in hopes of extending the quiet clear morning I was enjoying before the start of the weekend's festivities. And that's what the Saturday Morning Post is all about.

San Carlos Little League - Tee Ball - Padres get underway at Lake Murray Fields at 10:00, nice to get one early. Brother Dave and I and whoever else wants to join in the fun will be grout sealing our new tile throughout the day. Maybe some NCAA hoops to fill the blanks...I haven't watched one game of the tournament. Wow. And I love this tournament. Somethings is desparately wrong with my priorities. I digress.

Then darling spunky Mckennon's having a BDay bash at the park. Looks like it will be a great day for a park party! Wind? And I'm not sure of any other committments, so maybe we'll get back here...

On-Line, I've got to get schedules and some fresh stuff up on the SCLL website. And I've got to change that darn font/link/? color in my header so it doesn't just disappear when you read the site. Duh. There are many other online things I would like to be doing, but time limits. It does. Onward...and til next time.
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