Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Adding Google Search of Site To Site

One important thing I've been wanting to add to the site was searchability. Mostly for me to reference back to things I've written previously on a subject. I'm sure there are other ways to do it, but I dig Google so why not have it for all. Here's a test of some code I'm supposed to paste into my template, over there right under the calendar, ideally. But I'll paste it here and hope I get a seach box...

Search WWW Search thenewjazzthing.com Search newjazzthing.editthispage.com Search

And now to tweak it a bit...


Search WWW

Search thenewjazzthing.com
Search newjazzthing.editthispage.com Search

And a little bit more, come on...


Search WWW
Search thenewjazzthing.com
Search newjazzthing.editthispage.com

And so I go on despite the hour, copying the last version above and placing it in the template. Let's see what havoc that brings...
11:47:40 PM    comment []  Google It!  

While Not Blogging, Still Thinking. About Blogging. Or Audblogging.

Andromeda is more than MP3
Andromeda can serve a wide range of audio and video file types (including Real, Windows Media, and QuickTime), and can be configured to serve non-media types such as ZIP, EXE, DOC, XLS, PDF, HTML, etc.

AndromediaLooks promising for streaming my MP3's myself. I currently use MP3.com for the interviews and most other MP3 tidbits I offer. With this, I could really make TNJT.com an audio blog of it's own. Not just that (read the others, like Quicktime: .MOV), but a multi-media blog.

This episode started as I descended to the tethered computer for a last-ditch effort to shake the war-blues with a search for Jazz news (Feedster Style) and happened upon Jazz News (Blogcritics Style). While nothing immediately jumped out at me, there's a lot to choose from. And I noticed their Blogcritics Radio announcement. Blog and Radio together. What a concept. Checked it out, found MP3-stream-age in it's infancy (Mobius Dick inaugurates), and noticed the Powered By shout out to Andromedia. Ta Da. Now you know one way I get off on a tangent, so to speak.

Still not reading any Jazz News and I'm done for tonight. What I meant to say, before going in that direction at all, was that I've been reading mostly about the war and not much else since it started. I was concerned enough before that it's not surprising. When I've had time. And I've found the time. And I've had no time to blog. Or real drive to. Although I am really looking forward to having the new G4-12 mobile in the house and blogging where I live...which isn't in the computer room/office/boxland I'm in now. Hopefully that will spur me to write about what I'm experiencing. And not just doing the experience-ing.

My goal is to clear my head again with a blog post when I get up, but it's now past what I thought late night might be to-night. And it's actually pretty early (11:21). But I'm beat. See you when I see you next.
11:29:51 PM    comment []  Google It!