Friday, March 14, 2003

The Constitution - The Preamble - Can You Hum A Few Bars?

I've received some great and encouraging feedback on my left-right-balancing-act post of yesterday. A few of the previously unknown, but now full of voice, folks that were also sent the missive from the right, had this to say:

Tom R.: "Dead on, Vince! Great reply! Thanks!"

Allison F.: "I couldn't of said it better."

Part of the recent inspiration for this came from a 2/27/03 Constitutional discussion on NPR's Talk of The Nation (follow the link for on-line audio and a refresher on what makes us a Nation). Also, a discussion with Michael Newdow, the father that has pushed for the removal of "God" from the Pledge (can't find the audio on that, darn), made me put a few extra brain cells on the issue.

One of today's better known respondents (Yo Neil!) also wanted to verify that God was not mentioned in The Preamble (true) by reliving their childhood and digging out the old Schoolhouse Rock version of it. The just referenced NPR TOTN spot ended with a replay of that! And boy did it bring back memories. I couldn't have probably quoted the Preamble if you asked me before re-hearing that, but now the words are right there on my tongue and sound so nice (well, maybe not in my voice..hehe). I shouldn't do this, but here's my rendition of that ol' classic,

Vince Outlaw sings Schoolhouse Rock's - The Preamble (, MP3 format, 500K, not too big, and a first take cut off at the end...better luck next time)

And for more fun, listen to a quote from this post and version 2 of my Preample rendition, via The New Jazz Thing - Vince Outlaw's Audblog. (MP3, about 2 minutes or so).

Thanks for the feedback all and keep thinking for yourself! Or stay quite if you don't want to inspire further singing ventures!
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The New Jazz Thing - Vince Outlaw's Audblog

I've set up an Audblog as one final diversion for the evening. The idea is to be able to post a audio post to your website over the phone. Here's what post looks like over the link to here my Thing:

Powered by audblogHere's the scoop on the Live radio show. And our first Audblog post.

Looks like Radio Userland support is coming soon, so maybe I'll be able to integrate the Audblog posts right into the main site. Have posts from the field coming right into the home page. Of another thing would be to provide audio version of a text blog post. Possiblities.

Anyway, I recorded a little stiff plug for the Live radio show as my first go at it. Not too incredibly original, but it's something.

Now night night.
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The New Jazz End of the World

Or I'm just one in a great big World of Ends.

I finally found time to read this from one of my favorite writers, Mr. Doc. I even did some readings between songs on the Live show tonight. Next came inspiration to make some sort of multimedia Thing out of readings. Time has expired on the experiment. And I just haven't found what I'm looking for. Anyway, here's a start. [Something's on the Blue Square to see the video...I think...]

How was that? Comment[].
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