Friday, March 21, 2003

Do I Really Need a Toshiba e750 if I Have A TiBook 12?

Toshiba Pocket PC e750I'm still toying with the idea of getting a Pocket PC-enabled PDA and the Toshiba Pocket PC e750 looks like the one to get...except I'm not sure I need one now that I'm getting one of the smallest, most powerful laptops around. I'm putting PDA thoughts on hold until I feel my way around the new machine. I have a feeling that I'll be able to get everything I want from a PDA out of my TiBook. Not as small, but so much more connectivity and computing power. I was thinking I'd use the PDA as a voice recording device that can go anywhere and upload audio files to the Internet. And having something you can keep in your pocket, with music, pictures, games (for kids), and other things. But I'm not sure it's going to be necessary now.

I'm re-thinking the next gadget in the personal public relations arsenal and if I dove into a good digital video camera that did real good audio recording, I'd have my set-up ready. All I'd need is a Bluetooth enabled phone (for hooking the computer to the INet when other means...WiFi, Ethernet, phone dial-up...aren't available) and I'll be able to be connected, with a full multimedia publishing environment, anywhere, anytime.

As long as the batteries hold out!
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The Coming Wireless World In Small Steps

ZDNET: How you'll use the coming wireless ecosystem

"But it's not just that these networks are falling into place. We'll soon have devices that can connect to Wi-Fi networks, W-WANs, even Bluetooth devices, right out of the box."

Tibook 12I'll be jumping into one of these devices (WiFi, Bluetooth) within the next couple of days. I'll let you know what I explore of the ecosystem.
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The New Jazz Thing - 2003.03.20 - The Seques - Take 1

Done with this, only until next time, because I'm on to something, I think, with The Seques:

The Seques are the audio part of the show in between the tunes. When I'm doing something. An example would be a mix between tunes, maybe with a "TNJT" thrown in there. Another example is the public service announcements. And show promos. And the wacky stuff I read, pretending to be an arbitar of New. All there to listen to. And each one eventually an RSS post, which can be tracked separately. Who knows what for, but...

Here's the outline and here's the MP3 playlist.
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