Monday, June 03, 2002

More Evangelizing about News Aggregators.

Rejoice - it's here! Steven Cohen's article about RSS For Non-Techie Librarians is now available on LLRX. It should actually be called "News Aggregators for Non-Techie Librarians" because it illustrates how using an aggregator (Newzcrawler specifically, but the concept in general) can make librarians more efficient. (And really, the benefits would apply to anyone that is active on the web, so don't think this is just for librarians.)

"In order to keep current, like many librarians I had all of the web sites that I visited daily bookmarked (about 50) in my browser at work and I would painstakingly visit each site throughout the day. Of course there were days that visiting each site was not possible (on very busy days I was lucky to get to one). And if three days went by without reading these favorites, I would get too bogged down trying to catch up. This was all before I was introduced to the wonderful world of RSS (Rich Site Summary) feeds. Now, I get almost all of the content I want from all of these sites delivered to one place as soon as the site is updated, saving precious time. The most amazing part is that I am notified when any of the sites I subscribe to are updated within minutes. And I didn't have to be an experienced techie to set-it-up."

I've been waiting for this article to arrive so that I can start using it as a handout. If you're not using a news aggregator, Steven will show you why you should be. It will also help you understand why I think some form of RSS news aggregation will play a major part of our information lives in the future.

Great job, Steven!

[The Shifted Librarian]
12:54:52 PM    Trackback []

RSS auto-discovery and meta-linking, continued. Things are moving very quickly in weblog social networking infrastructure! Let me see if I've got the story straight, vis a vis Radio: ... [Jon's Radio]
12:53:26 PM    Trackback []

Sun adds shine to portal software. In a new twist, Sun Microsystems' upcoming Portal Server will work with rival application server software and operating systems. [CNET]
12:51:08 PM    Trackback []

Paolo explains that IdeaTools is an OPML-based CMS. Nice!  [Scripting News]
10:12:06 AM    Trackback []

Tired of strategic planning?. Many companies get little value from their annual strategic-planning process. An in-depth examination by McKinsey finds that it should be redesigned to support real-time strategy making and encourage "creative accidents." [CNET]
10:06:00 AM    Trackback []

Jon Udell: Personal RSS Aggregators. [Dave Winer: Radio UserLand]
10:03:18 AM    Trackback []

A new macro and howto shows Radio users how to add a link element to weblog and category home pages, pointing to their associated RSS feeds. The equivalent feature is also available for Manila. [Dave Winer: Radio UserLand]
10:03:08 AM    Trackback []

Good morning. We just released three new parts for Radio to enable the new macro that adds links to the head of each HTML page for RSS feeds, blogrolls and subscriptions. This is the completion of the content-side of the support for the new futuristic planned crawlers, harvesters and directories that we dreamed about over the weekend. There is a corner-turn in there, a change in the format for the RSS link. Oy. Anyway, glad that's over. These things are often a lot more work than they appear to be at first.  [Scripting News]
10:01:27 AM    Trackback []