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Thursday, June 27, 2002 |
MoreNews 1.0 released. MoreNews is a bundled PHP application and class for reading and displaying 300+ newsfeeds from moreover.com. It provides an easily configurable navigation interface, and has built-in search and feed caching. MySQL can be enabled for several features, such as displaying the news categories. MySQL is not required, however, since all current features are supported in its XML-only mode. [XML News by CodingTheWeb.com] 3:41:41 PM ![]() |
Software services over the web. If you follow enterprise software -- and I suggest the rest of you if you skip this post -- you'll know there is a received wisdom. Companies will pay for software that arrives in a shrink-wrapped box; but not for the same service accessed over the web. The one is tangible; the other ethereal. And functionality doesn't even come into it. This is one of the main reasons I dislike the enterprise software sector. So I was gratified to read the latest Stewart Alsop. He explains the political reasons why companies prefer to keep their software inhouse, but then predicts that more application services -- such as web conferencing system Webex -- will emerge. "The concept here--that renting software may be a smart idea when applications are good but not critical to the tech workings of corporations--isn't widely accepted. But it makes sense to me, and I'm betting it will take hold." Alsop on Infotech - A Bet on a Dead Business Model [Fortune] [nickdenton.org] 3:39:06 PM ![]() |
An Entrepreneur's Walk. I was reflecting recently on the past 3 months, since we began working on Emergic. At that time, there were a number of ideas. I had a set of names for the things we wanted to do, but had little clue on how we would go about doing things. [My [E M E R G I C . o r g] 3:16:28 PM ![]() |
Klogging Can Save Your KM Soul.. In Klogging vs. the 11 Deadly KM Sins I explain how klogging arms you sidestep these fatal knowledge management errors. I'm not quite satisfied with this post, so comments if you please. ![]() 3:14:46 PM ![]() |
Warchalking takes off: News.com covers the nascent warchalking meme, in which simple glyphs chalked on sidewalks or public surfaces identify the presence of nearby Wi-Fi access points, public or otherwise. Matt Jones continues the dialog on all manner of subjects related to warchalking. You were there: birth of a meme. [80211b News]2:43:31 PM ![]() |