Saturday, June 29, 2002

Mozilla opens up Microsoft's closed Outlook PST format. Tim O'Reilly has written his annual braindump in preparation for the Open Source Convention. His essays are always thoughtful. This time, I was struck by one particular comment: ... [Jon's Radio]
9:09:06 AM    Trackback []

Atomz unites search with content management. Online service aims for lower costs, speedy deployment [InfoWorld: Top News]
9:00:23 AM    Trackback []

Book review: XSLT Developer's Guide ( [IBM DeveloperWorks: XML News]
8:59:07 AM    Trackback []

Mozilla opens up Microsoft's closed Outlook PST format - Udell. Writes Jon Udell: "In no time flat I had my Outlook mail sitting in MBOX (i.e., plain text) files under Mozilla's mail tree. Importing my Outlook contacts was equally successful...As a bonus, I tried again to establish signing/encryption capability in Mozilla's mail client, something I'd failed to achieve with the [E M E R G I C . o r g]
8:56:28 AM    Trackback []