Friday, June 28, 2002

Automatic warchalk symbol generation. Yoz (who insists that he is a far less than excellent geek) has whipped up a little Web app that takes the specifics of a wireless access point as parameters and spits out a printable PDF of the wibo warchalking mark for it. Here's the one for mine. (Matt Jones adds that the back end for this was written by Dean Hall, credit where credit is due). Link Discuss
[Boing Boing Blog]
10:32:29 AM    Trackback []

Fed up with everything? Read this. Author Alan Cohen says he didn't merely write "Why Your Life Sucks" for cube dwellers with career angst. He charted a "road map out of hell" for everyone who has "come to accept soul starvation as a way of life." Is he talking about you? [CNET]
10:27:56 AM    Trackback []

IBM introduces wireless starter kits: a neat idea from a support and deployment standpoint as long as IBM can provide world-class technical help.

[80211b News]
10:27:09 AM    Trackback []

InfoWorld's wireless columnist's wrong-headed column on free networks: Ephraim Schwartz's latest head-scratcher makes me mad. I almost didn't blog an entry on his wrong-headed column about why freenets won't last, and I just can't bottle it up inside. First, go and read the column. Then, when you finish laughing or screaming read the rest of this. I know that Ephraim reads this blog, at least occasionally, and part of me says, don't insult a colleague in a public forum. Well, let me skirt that line a bit.

[80211b News]
10:25:15 AM    Trackback []

Oracle Focuses On Portals At JavaOne. The new architecture uses Java and J2EE for core business logic, and XML infrastructure to deliver the app to the end user. [XML News by]
10:24:13 AM    Trackback []

K-Log Pilot Notes.

Within our team, we have been surprised at how well the team klog has helped us to have a better understanding of what each of us is currently working on. We didn't realize how much of our individual work was below the radar of our closest co-workers.  [David Gammel]

I'm trying to convince our I.T. department to get Radio installed across the company for the various departments (I.T., customer support, R&D, sales, marketing, management) to share data. Hearing more testaments like the above help. If you're interested in learning more about the K-log (shorthand for "Knowledge weblog") concept, visit the Yahoo Group on the subject maintained by John Robb.

[tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog]
10:21:43 AM    Trackback []