Tuesday, June 25, 2002

RSS, Blogs and Events. Have been doing some more thinking on the Digital Dashboard and how it needs to be put together. The thinking has also been motivated on how best we can integrate the work being done internally by three different teams as part of the BlogStreet, Digital Dashboard and Enterprise Software projects. [E M E R G I C . o r g]
9:18:53 AM    Trackback []

Email Search Utility. Information Management for the Desktop: "I've wondered from time to time, however, how I might use the database to centralize all the information on my system. For example, I have some useful information floating around in e-mail archives, never to be read again. I suppose I could learn the search/grep [E M E R G I C . o r g]
9:18:01 AM    Trackback []

Could bad IA get you arrested?. The Intranet Focus Blog is, from what I understand, the only public blog dealing specifically with intranet issues. A recent post entitled Enron — The Intranet Implications talks about how, with all this talk lately of document retention policies and email backups, little attention is paid to how documents are stored, accessed, and kept on intranets. [ia/ - news for information architects]
9:17:14 AM    Trackback []