Saturday, June 22, 2002

How to boost employee productivity by using a news aggregator..

An interesting claim.

"A small change in the way we work could shave 45 minutes off of the average workday.  That small change is to use a news aggregator to get news instead of gathering it by hand."  - John Robb via Jeff Cheney: Radio

It might even be true; it feels true.

There are two problems.

We need proof.

Some evidence will come from learning more about klogging behavior. Combinations of surveys, interviews, and ethnography will help.  Klogging metrics, generated from Radio and Radio Community Servers, will also help calculate payback.

The other problem is thornier.

Time saved gets reappropriated.

We either:

You get to this by observing use before adoption, during adoption, and after.

[a klog apart]
9:13:16 AM    Trackback []

vCalendar Answer!.

Phil: Click here to add this event to your Outlook or Netscape calendar. "Click here to add this event to your Outlook or Netscape calendar."

Me: "Phil, how did you create the vcs file??!! I've wanted to learn how to automatically generate these in our online calendar at work, but I don't know enough about vCalendar."

Phil: "How did I do this? Manually, for now."

Me: "Phil, you da man!"

[The Shifted Librarian]
9:04:14 AM    Trackback []