Wednesday, June 12, 2002

Cascading Style Sheets: Sample chapter. I am so looking foward to the CSS book that Owen Briggs, Steve Champeon, Eric Costello and Matthew Patterson have written. There's a chapter excerpt on WebReference. [ia/ - news for information architects]
2:36:15 PM    Trackback []

Newspaper design: A return to simplicity. Mario Garcia's article on simplicity in newspaper design (and redesign) is nice. Simplicity tip: "When in doubt, review the rules of the minimalistic style of Bauhaus artists. Context, without excess, is the key." [ia/ - news for information architects]
2:35:53 PM    Trackback []

Yahoo groups in your news aggregator. Somehow I had totally missed this feature of Yahoo Groups. In the case that somebody else might have missed it too, if you submit: to your aggregator, you will get all posts submitted to that group in your favourite news reader. Just subscribed to: and it works perfectly. Getting rid of more mail! [Paolo Valdemarin: Paolo's Weblog]
10:31:48 AM    Trackback []

What if being non-communicative weren't an option?. This Fortune article on Esther Dyson was cited on a private mailing list. It's interesting to see where she is placing bets: ... [Jon's Radio]
10:27:08 AM    Trackback []

Blogging and homeland security: connecting the dots. Sunday's New York Times featured a disturbing story on the IT culture clash between Google and the FBI: ... [Jon's Radio]
10:26:53 AM    Trackback []

A Great Vision for News Aggregators.

"Paolo: 'It's important to consider that 'set of news sources' could also mean reports generated by your accounting software, status of your servers, posts in a discussion group, orders from your e-commerce site, updates from your co-workers workflow management software..' Thanks Paolo, that's absolutely true." [Scripting News]

Kind of ties in with my earlier post about Adam's aggregator ideas, too.

[The Shifted Librarian]
10:17:34 AM    Trackback []

Radio Documentation!.

"Russ Lipton's RadioDocs, on-line, ready for UserLand." [Scripting News]

Yay! Userland did the sensible thing and incorporated Russ' Radio docs into the Radio site! I'm assuming he's getting paid for this and that he'll be adding more to the archive. Kudos to Userland for recognizing the need and the solution! Keep up the great work, Russ!

[Two suggestions: a table of contents as a front page or at the top, and dates of last revision next to all of the links.]

[The Shifted Librarian]
10:15:58 AM    Trackback []

Diagrams of the weblog environment.

Boutinsphere. Put that together with traditonal journalism, and you've got:::: The Boutinsphere. And the Searlsphere. And the Reynoldsphere. And the Winersphere. One sphere per blog. [Doc Searls Weblog]

Pointers to a couple of interesting diagrams of where blogs might fit into a broader communications and knowledge management environment. Haven't had time to think about these pictures much yet, but didn't want to lost track of them (weblog as memory crutch)

[McGee's Musings]
10:13:35 AM    Trackback []