Tuesday, June 11, 2002

Jon Udell: "The idea of disposable spaces is something Groovers take for granted, but it's a bit unusual from a web perspective." [Scripting News]
12:49:12 PM    Trackback []

What I want: wireless access on the South Shore train during my commute. I'd pay for that gladly.

Boingo partners with TSI, a cellular clearinghouse: Boingo's partnership with TSI, announced today, will allow Boingo to build a closer relationship with cell companies. TSI works to settle fees across cell networks, allowing seamless roaming. Boingo works to integrate wireless hot spot networks into their single-login, single-bill system. Cell companies that wanted to offer hot spot access as part of their plans will be able to work via TSI for billing and settlement, an important step in Boingo's expansion and the further integration of cell and Wi-Fi.

[80211b News]
12:44:43 PM    Trackback []

Now we're releasing an all-Radio presentation renderer. It's designed to be easy to use, as a complement to your Radio weblog. Now if you want to do a presentation, just create a new file in the outliner, and choose a command from a menu to render it as a slide show. You can of course edit the template, to make it look however you want it to.

Another in a long list of Radio tools I need to demo. I experienced a hard drive crash about three weeks ago and am still rebuilding apps. Not the first time this has happened....

12:07:49 PM    Trackback []

Evectors' Intranet Services
How Evectors' setup RCS and Radio in their intranet.

11:59:49 AM    Trackback []

What is a News Aggregator?.

A news aggregator is a piece of software that periodically reads a set of news sources, in one of several XML-based formats, finds the new bits, and displays them in reverse-chronological order on a single page.

[Scripting News]
11:37:58 AM    Trackback []