Friday, June 07, 2002

Exec touts Semantic Web. Says concept is misunderstood [InfoWorld: Top News]
12:41:47 PM    Trackback []

Progress looks ahead to Web services. Execs outline plan for creating Web services environment [InfoWorld: Top News]
12:41:31 PM    Trackback []

Blogging as part of a personal KM strategy.

I won't include the entire post here, but you really need to read the entire thread (starting with Cory's original post, Jenny's follow-up, and then Jim's wrap-up). One excerpt from Jim's piece:

When we talk about learning organizations and about knowledge management practices, it can be easy to lose sight of this personal dimension. ... Tom Davenport wrote an interesting piece on the notion of personal information environments in CIO magazine quite some time back. It's still a good introduction to the notion, although I would take it up a level. Managing the details of your information life is a starting point,  but we need to do more if we take a knowledge perspective. [McGee's Musings]

[tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog]
10:43:56 AM    Trackback []