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  Tuesday, February 11, 2003

It's pick on the French night. I'm still neutral at best about going into Iraq - if it were another president (any other president?) other than Bush, I would probably be supportive. I am no "Peace in Our Time" pacifist. But Bush and his cronies are the wrong crowd for this in so many ways.

However, I just can't get over the French (or the Germans for that matter. But it's so much more fun to pick on the French) So, here we go:

First, the following total-hoot-of-a-statement is from the exceptionally clear thinking Canadian, David Ware. It is an excerpt from his entry last week discussing Colin Powell's presentation the UN:

The line that is now going around Washington is that of a former undersecretary of defence, who observed, "Going to war without the French is like going deerhunting without an accordion."

Unfortunately, the second piece in my little presentation was going to be a hilarious Jeff Danziger politcal cartoon in the December 2002 Atlantic Monthly. However, that is not available on-line and I don't have a scanner here at home. So I'll scan that sucker at work tomorrow and post it. It is very funny and very apropos.

9:07:49 PM    comment []

While my doc was "down there" so to speak, he checked out my Vestibulodynia. I have a HUGE improvement. In fact he was pretty surprised at just how much better it looks than it did ten days ago. Evidently three of the five swollen glands have dropped down to a "micro-ow" level. Pretty Impressive.

I smugly informed him that I respond very well to tricyclics.

8:29:09 PM    comment []

My little carve-a-small-chunk-out-of-the-rectum procedure went swimmingly. The only pain I had was with the application of the anesthetic - it burned like hell. In fact, I said to the doc, "Ow! Weren't you going to numb it before you cut." He responded that's what he was doing. Oh.

After that, it was smooth sailing and I didn't feel a thing. Once the anesthetic wore off, things became a tad uncomfortable. But because the biopsy was so small, the area of intense pain was minute. So it was not a big deal. However, if the biopsy had been much bigger, the whole pain thing would have been another thing entirely.

After a few hours of walking gingerly, I'm now walking normally. The sixteen ounce IPA helped a great deal with that! The only issue now is I'm still bleeding. So no bath tonight.

The biopsy result should be back within ten days to two weeks.


8:23:24 PM    comment []

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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:30:05 PM.

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