Here I am in Winfield, Kansas. It's 1:30 AM and I just experienced one of the most harrowing hours of my life. There are severe thunderstorms and flooding in the Wichita-Winfield area. Well, it was raining pretty hard in Wichita - the plane ride in (in one of those commuter-flying-culvert-jet thingies) definitely had the feel of an amusement park ride. But that was nothing compared to the drive from Wichita to Winfield.
It was raining hard in Wichita, but still very drivable. However, about 20 miles out of Wichita it got completely out of hand. I have never ever seen anything like that. It was raining in solid sheets, water was pooling and roiling on the road, it was pitch black, and I could barely see the white shoulder line. I had to pull over several times. It didn't help that I was driving a little Dodge Neon. It was doing its best but this storm was definitely bigger than my little rental Neon.
I can't remember the last time I was so scared. But now, here I sit, way too late in my motel room with Sports Center, LOTS of Grand Marnier, and Oreos. I am slowly decompressing.

10:55:22 PM