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Day level permalink December 3, 2002

Security Firm Rewrites Rules on Disclosing Flaws
PC World - After being criticized for releasing information too early, Internet Security Systems will change the way it reports software problems.
10:42:09 PM  Item-level permalink    

Hamburg Suspect Linked to Saudi Diplomat
Washington Post - A raid on the apartment of an alleged member of the Hamburg cell that led the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks turned up the business card of a diplomat from the embassy of Saudi Arabia in Berlin, and Saudi officials have not responded to German requests to explain how the defendant came to have the card, a German police officer testified in court today.
10:40:37 PM  Item-level permalink    

Band director accused of mailing raccoon head
CNN - A suburban high school band director has been indicted on charges of intimidation and retaliation for allegedly mailing a raccoon head to a school official during a teachers' strike.
2:56:42 PM  Item-level permalink    

Cannabis - related drugs may reduce anxiety without side effects - Synthetic chemicals related to cannabis could eventually be turned into new medications to combat anxiety and depression without the side effects of the recreational drug, suggest US researchers.
10:04:24 AM  Item-level permalink    

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